Chapter 21

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Hermione sat inside Madam Malkin's store with a grin on her face, watching as Claire had commandeered the store, along with the sales lady as she pointed out things for her sister to try on, and what to stay away from. Anya watched as well, standing in front of the three fold mirror, smirking as Claire told the woman how to do her job. "Dresses are my area of expertise," they both overheard Claire tell the sales lady in her most serious voice. "And no yellow," Claire said from behind a dress rack. "Yellow will look awful on her. Mummy always said so."

"It's true," Anya commented, looking over at Hermione who gave her a soft smile in return. "Not that it matters. I hate yellow anyway."

"Too Hufflepuff for you?" Hermione teased.

Anya laughed. "No, but we can certainly add it to the list of reasons." She scratched her arm over the baggy maroon jumper she was wearing. It was James' jumper, and she'd borrowed it one night in the library and had yet to return it. It also happened to be quite comfortable to sleep in, though most Weasley jumpers were. While they waited for Claire and the sales lady to return, Anya walked off of the carpeted podium in front of the mirrors and took a seat next to Hermione. "How's Dad?"

"Really good," Hermione reassured her. "It was hard at first, of course. Your dad was upset because Claire was very up and down for a while, but things are settling down a bit."

Anya nodded, feeling somewhat guilty for returning to school upon hearing this about Claire. But Hermione and her father both encouraged her to do what was best for her, and Anya knew she would have lost her mind without having school as a distraction. "And Scorp?"

"He's just moving along," Hermione said fondly. "He's starting to use words in somewhat coherent sentences, but I know he misses you. Anytime you send an owl and Claire says your name his face lights up like magic. Just wait. You'll see at lunch."

Grinning, Anya linked her arm with Hermione and sighed. "I never said thank you, you know. For not telling my mum to bugger off when she asked you to take care of us."

"Anya Katherine Malfoy. When have you ever heard me say bugger off?" Hermione asked, poking Anya's arm.

"You know what I mean, Hermione."

She leaned over and pressed a firm kiss to the top of her head. "She didn't even have to ask."

Claire eventually returned with what appeared to be a somewhat frazzled sales lady, who had dozes of dresses in all sorts of colors and styles draped over each arm. "This should be a good start," Claire said, pointing to the empty dressing room as she spoke to her sister. "And I want to see all of them."

Rolling her eyes, Anya gave her sister a mock salute as she hoisted herself up off of the sofa where Hermione sat, handing over her wand. "So I don't accidentally throw a hex at her," she half joked.

Hermione shook her head disapprovingly as she took Anya's wand, though it was hard to suppress the smirk. She may have been a spitting image of her mother but she was certainly Draco's daughter. She watched as Anya closed herself off in the dressing room while Claire played on the carpeted podium, spinning and watching herself swish back and forth in her own dress - a long sleeved, blue and white paisley print dress with matching blue tights. The two of them nearly had a war that morning over wearing tights, as Claire kept pointing out that it was March while Hermione countered with the fact that it was still too cold outside for bare legs, but Hermione won in the end.

"If you don't wear tights, you cannot go," Hermione firmly stated, her hands on her hips. "It's your choice."

Her big grey eyes welled up with tears as she exclaimed quite angrily. "I won't wear those stupid tights and you can't make me!"

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