Chapter 6

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Gabriel pressed play and the show continued. Gabriel then pulled Nathalie into his arms.

"Get well soon my little peacock."

Gabriel whisper in her ear. Nathalie rested her head on Gabriel's chest. Nathalie could fell herself drifting of.

10 minutes later

Nathalie had fallen asleep in Gabriel's arms.
Not long after Gabriel also fell asleep too.


The two were waken up by two knocks on the door.
Gabriel sat up still holding on to Nathalie.

"Come in."

Adrian open the door shivering.

"Adrian what's wrong?"

"I-I d-d-don't f-fell W-well."

"Come here."

Gabriel patted a spot beside him.

Adrian came over and sat down. Gabriel put his hand on his head.

"Your burning up....come here."

Gabriel put one of his arms out inviting him in a hug. Adrian climbed into his dads arms.

Sorry for another sort chapter I was running out of ideas so if you have any for me to add please say.

Gabenath the fluWhere stories live. Discover now