Lets move in together

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Ben and Miranda  moved around in the kitchen getting dinner together and setting up the table. "Hey baby where do you keep your utensils at." Ben asked getting the plates and glasses out the cabinets.

"In the drawer under the glass and plates honey." Miranda told Ben as she cut the stove off, and moved the food in a serving dish. Taking it  over to the table and placing it in the center. Her and Ben had cooked chicken Alfredo with toasted garlic bread and salad on the side.

"Come and eat dinners ready yall" Miranda said yelling out of the dining room. Tj and William waltzed in the dining room. "Mmmmm I could get, get used to this being served a meal cooked by the most luscious gorgeous independent hard working woman I have ever met. Tj said walking up to Miranda winking and grabbing her hand to place a kiss on her hand, but is interrupted by the sound of Ben clearing his throat very loud  and cracking his knuckles making Tj jump a little. 

Tj looked up and caught eyes with Ben who had his eyebrows arched making him give him a weak smile "ummm let me finish what I was saying I was going to also add that along with being the most luscious gorgeous independent hard working woman." "YOU didn't have to repeat yourself Tj we heard you the first time when you described Miranda" Ben said walking over to Miranda wrapping his hand around her waist pulling her tightly close to him sending shivers throughout her whole body.

"Right right umm exactly silly me but what I was gonna say is that not only is she the most Ben cleared his throat and folded his arms and arched his eyebrows giving off a small grin wondering how Tj was gonna save his self with this one. Well you know she also has manage to snag herself a strong respectful hard working fly looking man who has blessed her with a baby brewing in her tummy." Tj said clearing his throat but soon slapped his head with his hand when he realized what he had just did.

William's head spiked up from his toys when he heard his uncle say that there was a baby brewing in his mommy's tummy. "Ben made your tummy brew a baby how did he do that is the baby okay is it too hot for the baby if it's being brewed mommy" William said with his eyes as wide as a dear caught in head lights.

"I'm sorry yall I didn't mean let the cat out the bag is there anything I could do help". Tj said looking at Ben and Miranda shake their heads and taking deep breaths.  "Noo You have done enough already just go sit at the table and stuff your face so nothing else stupid come out please" Miranda said placing her hands up in front of him and shaking her head wiping down her nose inhaling and exhaling taking her other hand to point to the table let him know to go now.

Miranda took a deep breath in a turned to her son and said "mommy and Ben will explain everything, but let's eat something first okay baby." William nodded and walked over to his uncle and let him put him in his booster seat.
Ben turned Miranda around to face him and used his hand to lift up her head so he could look into her eyes. He leaned his head against hers and wrapped his arms around her waist.

" Miranda baby everything is going to be okay Will knows you love him so so much he will be excited to become an big brother. He loves you and he will  absolutely love our little Midnight Dream because I know I do and I already love him and can't wait to form a deeper bond  with him, but most importantly I am absolutely inevitably head over hills with their mother that I can't picture a life where she isn't the women to mother my kids or become my future wife." Ben said leaning back to look at her in eyes he kissed  her forehead, nose then he took her lips in to a soft sensational kiss made them moan and groan under their breaths as they had to use all  of their restraint from going into a full on make out session right there. 

"Mmmm we better go get something to eat before I begin devour every inch of you until my appetite is restored and you and I  both know my appetite is like a black whole never seems to get enough of you baby." Ben said bitting and licking his lips as he looked Miranda up in down Miranda escaped his embrace and began to walk to the table Ben following right behind her smacking her on the ass as he walked pass her to her chair pulling it out for her. Miranda bit her bottom lip at Ben's action this pregnancy had her hormones all over the place to where she wanted him 247 and it was only 4months in she couldn't imagine how her hormones will be by the end of this pregnancy.

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