Day 2 in Kodai-Kanal

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             We got up at 08:00 AM, we got freshed up and we had our breakfast. Now, let's see what surprises this day bring us!

              So, as of our tour itinerary, we have gone Coaker's walk. A short walk amidst the exquisite mountains and valleys of Kodaikanal, Coaker's walk is a simple escape into the quaint environment of the beautiful and refreshing surroundings of the city. It is on a vertical slope of the mountain and is merely a kilometer to help you relax without making the tourists exhausted.

            Well, now we traveled to Pambar falls. This magnificent falls is also popularly called as the Grand cascade. The town water reservoir overflows southwards forming the Fairy Falls which continues to join the Vaigai River forming the Pambar Falls through its course.

            We now visited Dolphin's nose. The Dolphin's nose view point in Kodai-Kanal is based on a flat, protruding piece of rock that is shaped like a dolphin's nose. This forms a visible cliff at the height of 6,600 feet, where you can experience Kodaikanal at its best - plunging valleys, rugged terrain, clear skies, and the splendor of green. We enjoyed that aesthetic place pretty well.

            We now have gone nearby restaurant to have lunch as we are so exhausted and so hungry craving for food indeed! Funny?

             We now traveled to Guna caves Guna caves is one of the mysterious tourist attractions in Kodaikanal that promises an enthralling experience, originally known as Devil's kitchen! Do you know why? Well, I am telling it, it is because of strange cooker whistle sounds heard at that locality at certain times! However, these caves are actually caverns formed between the three boulders of the mountain and LOL, do not freak out, there is no devil indeed.

           We now traveled to Moir
point.Situated at the entrance of the forest which leads up all the way to the exquisite Berijam lake, Moir point is one of the most significant viewpoints present in Kodaikanal. The place is named after Sir Thomas Moir who started constructing the Goschen Road in the year 1929 There is a monument which mentions this and stands on the road joining the Kodaikanal-Berijam Lake. Since this place offers amazing views of the valleys, it remains one of the most crowded places in Kodaikanal. We have overjoyed the scenery at the view point!

          We now traveled to Bear Shola falls.
The Bear Shola Falls derived its name from the fact that bears used to come to this fall for drinking water. The best time to visit the falls is during the rainy season when the water level is at its fullest and thus most beautiful. During non-monsoon season, there is not much water in the falls. If interested, one can also go for trekking here. It has a beautiful climbing path which is almost 1 km long inside the forest. However, now, it's not rainy season, though, anyways, we have gone trekking!

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