꧁The Past ꧂

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It was a sunny day in Ceterville , a big and very beautiful city.It was spring and the smell of the flowers in the trees was fading the beauty of the crowded streets.However, there was not as much happiness everywhere.
In one of the huge buildings scratching the clouds was Mrs. Angelica Robbinson's lab, the famous doctor of science.Many people worked for her, being famous and paying them well, but for this money, they put themselves at huge risk. She was extremely demanding, but on the one hand she was crazy, she was doing dangerous experiments with nuclear substances and who knows what other bad things.


One day, she called all her employees to the main courtyard of the building, where she was to show them a combination of two liquids: toxic substances and human blood.But when she poured the two substances together, there was an explosion and a strange, green gas spread to about half the city.After a few minutes, police crews arrived at the scene, but were really surprised by what they saw: people were attacking each other and biting especially in the neck.From there, only one finding could be made: people who had inhaled the toxic gas became bloodthirsty vampires.


In the first 3 weeks, dozens of people died daily from deep bites, until serious action was taken. Authorities divided the city into two parts where they brought in as many vampires as they could and built a wall with an audio frequency that annoyed the vampires, causing them to move away. Since then, it is not known what is happening on the other side of the wall. What about Mrs. Angelica? Nothing is known about her. Some say she died for sure, others believe she turned into a vampire, or others say she fled to another part of the world so as not to judge.

My Vampire Classmate - VOLUME 1Where stories live. Discover now