3. Unnatural Encounters

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After observing the sooted walls, terrible wreckage, and overall havoc of what was once an entertainment lounge - the only entertainment lounge in all of District 9 - Taemin couldn't help but feel uneasy. The evidence was right in front of them; nothing was stolen, Chan reported, just burnt and destroyed, and they had plenty of witnesses. So that just begged the questions - how did the bodies of two boys disappear from a facility with one entrance that was blocked, and how was this connected to the attacks in NCity?

"Teleportation?" Seo offered for the first question, as the two stood on the tracks looking up at the broken stage.

"Possibly," Taemin murmured. "Doesn't explain the fire, though. Or supposed earthquake."

They rattled off more abilities that could match the MO and the past attacks, however, everything seemed to point to multiple, separate perpetrators. They never saw more than one person doing these attacks before, but considering that this seemed to be the successful run, including more people wouldn't be out of the question. It could also explain how two boys were taken at once.

The second question was briefly answered by District 9's Chief Im upon entering the backstage area of the lounge. Seo kindly introduced them to one another, and right away, they delved into the situation.

"Officer Wang, my colleague, spoke to Seo recently, and relayed to me that NCity was having some problems of your own," Chief Im began. "It could be a coincidence, but judging by the sheer randomness and evolvement of your guy, I thought I was best to call this in. We're short on officers to deal with something this big, anyway."

Taemin nodded.

"I'm sure the reporters are having a party right now, seeing all this NCity personnel in District 9," Taemin joked, and the men glanced at the now clear escalators. Just outside of Taemin's forcefield was a sea of journalists piling, probably desperately trying to yell alluring questions and chants to deaf ears. Good thing Taemin's ability included selective noise cancellation.

"Yeah, it surely has been awhile since District 9 got any action, besides Anti-Abnormal riots and police brutality," Im replied with a smirk.

Seo had mentioned on the way there that Im was actually the new chief, replacing what Taemin knew to be an old-fashioned elder that viewed his police force as puppets for his own malicious intentions. He had a real knack for hating people, Abnormals especially. Taemin could say he heard rumors, but naturally, he felt inclined to research District 9's history every once in a while. It was said that weak Abnormals - those with mild or defenseless abilities - were thrown to this place for a living hell. Internment camps were pretty common, banned only five years ago. Crimes against any kind of Abnormal were seen with blind eyes.

He was glad that guy was gone, now seeing a young, promising man stepping up to the plate. From what Seo had said, Im and his team are nothing like the old chief. While Im joked about the reality of District 9, Taemin knew he took his job just as seriously as the rest of them.

Im cleared his throat amidst the quiet. "Sorry, I know you guys are Abnormals. Excuse my manners."

Seo waved his hand and laughed. "Don't be sorry about speaking the truth, man. I'm sure District 9 is in good hands now, anyways. Those boys out there seem to really look up to you guys."

Chief Im smiled warmly, nodding in agreement. Quickly, the men got back to work.

Taemin's first course of action was pulling up the missing boys' records from SHINEE. Unlike the typical police force records, SHINEE housed every detail known to mankind about a person. Fingerprints, names, place of birth, and other aspects such as those were pretty standard. But SHINEE held information on a person they wouldn't even think to worry about. Taemin couldn't count on one hand how many times he's solved a case by knowing something as simple as a culprit's favorite color.

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