4. Faced with the Past

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After the tenth minute of Baekhyun pacing back and forth behind his car, he forced his stubborn feet to make the tread towards the high gate of the Kim estate. That tread, to his dismay, was long. He journeyed from the central park parking lot a block down from his friend's neighborhood, since apparently parking on the side of the road was taboo for rich people. Something about the "aesthetic," Baekhyun could only assume.

Because of his internal dilemma, wondering if it was too late to turn back with each passing step, he hardly even noticed he was standing on Kim's property until an intercom voice spoke.


Baekhyun blinked around, startled by the sound, and finally laid his eyes upon speaker built into the white pillar.


"Identify yourself."

Baekhyun blinked, momentarily surprised at the formality.


"Your full name."

Baekyun rocked his feet back and forth, not forgetting to smile. If there was an intercom, there was a camera. "Byun Baekhyun~."

It was silent for a moment.

"I don't see your name on the list. Please make your leave."

His smile dropped. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Kai has nothing of an appointment with a 'Byun Baekhyun.' You may leave now."

Baekhyun laughed. He knew Kai was famous, but this? This was the most absurdity he has ever had the pleasure of encountering.

"Sir, we will use force if necessary."

Baekhyun smiled once more, only a little less sarcastic than the first. "Look, I wasn't aware of such requirements, but may you make an exception for an old friend? I'm sure he misses me."

"If you continue to resist, we will escort you off of the property."

"Okay, okay," Baekhyun calmly resigned. In that moment, he very seriously debated on just sneaking in, but thought better of it. Didn't want to rekindle his friendship on a bad foot.

Internally dejected, he turned on his heel to leave. However, not even two feet travelled, the intercom comes on again.

"Halt. Kai will see you now."

Baekhyun turned, and his eyes were immediately drawn to the figure standing at his front door. He was far away from the gate, a lawn the size of 5 outdoor pools combined in between them, but even still Baekhyun could see a small smile on Kai's face. He put an extra spring in his step as the gate slid open for him.


Baekhyun trailed Kai up the entrance stairs. Kai, whose estate was secluded at the top of the hill of this expensive neighborhood, seemed like he had no problem walking through his front garden in pink pajama pants and a plain white shirt. Even with Baekhyun professionally clothed, he knew he probably still looked like a peasant compared to the celebrity in front of him.

"I can't believe you nearly got yourself beat up by my security," Kai snorted.

"What can I say, I'm talented," Baekhyun said, shrugging. "Also, how'd you know I was here? Did your posse report me to you, oh Highness?"

Kai shot him an unamused look as he opened the front door.

"I can sense idiots in a 1 mile radius," he deadpanned, eliciting a hearty laugh from Baekhyun.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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