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The Councilmen sat before him, sitting uncomfortably still and silent in their throne chairs as his knees were starting to burn from being pushed against solid gold. He kept his head low, but despite not seeing his superiors, he knew they were looking down at him with distaste, and likely even disappointment. It had only been seconds since he gave his proposal, however it seemed to feel like years. The Councilmen dragged on the silence, nothing but a sigh heard after the painful seconds passed.

"You are bold for requesting something so remarkable, Pawn," Grandmaster professed.

A fowl taste formed in Ten Thousand's mouth at the sound of his label. The lowest rank. It was a place where he didn't belong, and The Councilmen knew that as well, but pretended to be ignorant to his true role.

"I understand, Grandmaster," Ten Thousand agreed reluctantly but firmly, careful not to anger his superiors, "but this is-"

"Ridiculous. This is ridiculous," a different, raspier voice said, evidently Master Y. He was Ten Thousand's least favorite. Although he had never mentioned it to anyone, he didn't need to. Everyone despised him, but knew better than to share that. "I can't believe we're even wasting our time with a Pawn when we could be planning our next attack!"

Ten Thousand resisted the temptation to spit back. It wasn't easy for him to keep his mouth shut, and the same could be said about Master Y. Ten Thousand settled for biting his inner lower lip. At least he could say he had a slight bit of more self control. If he didn't, he would have been banished from the legion by now (although, he had come very close on several occasions).

"Calm down," Master Z said in a slow, poised manner, her voice like a flute yet filled with so much venom. "Do not get a heart attack. Need I remind you you're getting old?"

Master Y coughed sporadically for a few seconds, coincidentally proving her point. If the tension wasn't unbearable then, it definitely was now. Once again, silence enveloped the room. Ten Thousand was getting tired of staring at his pathetic reflection on the spotless floor he knelt on. He had been in the throne room more than anyone else, and for all the wrong reasons, according to the Councilmen.

"He is our plan for our next attack."

Ten Thousand resisted a flinch, as well as the urge to gaze upon Grandmaster in complete shock. Instead he watched his own eyes widen before him.

"Sir?" he managed to say.

"What?" Master Y exclaimed at nearly the same time, expressing an equal amount, if not more surprise than Ten Thousand. "With all due respect, sir, this kid does not need any validation because his daddy was a high ranked soldier-"

"That's enough."

Ten Thousand couldn't see what happened, but the lack of response from Master Y and the faint woosh sound coming from his seat, he assumed the Master was willed away. Ten Thousand gulped, knowing the feeling much too well.

"Look up, Ten Thousand," Grandmaster commanded, and he did right away.

The thrones were just as he remembered, minus the absence of Master Y. The empty gold and obsidian chair with black, velvet cushions was enticing. It was like his mouth watered at the thought of resting in it, facing Pawns such as himself and determining their fate. He itched to sit in the chair, just once to see what it felt like to be in power.

Grandmaster stared at him with his void, black eyes. Despite not having pupils, it felt like they were piercing through him, reading every move and every tick. Master Z similarly stared, although her menace usually stemmed from her words as opposed to her looks. Her soft exterior was simply a trick.

"You want to prove yourself, yes?" Grandmaster asked.

"Of course, sir," Ten Thousand answered immediately.

"Then you may get a mission."

Ten Thousand didn't know what to say - in fact, it felt like he forgot how to speak entirely. Even Master Z had a subtle shift in her stoic expression, as if startled by the complete lack of thought Grandmaster gave to this decision. Although Ten Thousand wanted to feel excited, he had to agree with her at that moment.

Grandmaster raised his left hand, his palm facing the high ceiling, and a swirl of black dust appeared before Ten Thousand. From the sand-like powder, a black file materialized in physical form, hovering in front of his face. There was no label or writing on the cover, and yet Ten Thousand had a feeling this was not for just anyone to see.

"That is your mission. If you want a higher position, you will complete this swiftly and correctly," Grandmaster said. "Do you understand?"

Ten Thousand could not take his eyes off of the file. There was no indication or clue as to what was waiting for him inside. It could be anything, but with such circumstances, he knew that whatever it was, it was not going to be easy.

"Yes, Grandmaster. I understand."

Grandmaster nodded slowly, the first movement he showed since Ten Thousand arrived. Ten Thousand glanced at Master Z, but she remained quiet, her posture and expression unchanging.

"Thank you," Ten Thousand added. Just as he was about to grab the file, Grandmaster spoke up one last time.

"Your life depends on this."

With those last words, the Councilmen disappear in swirls of black dust, leaving nothing but particles. Ten Thousand's hand was suddenly frozen. Just a centimeter away from his destiny, and yet he did not realize that this was a matter of his own existence. Had he known, would he have accepted the offer?

This was the catch, he realized.

Ten Thousand, with a deep breath, took the file. He had to take the chance. If he wanted to amount to anything his father was, there was no other choice. 

//Hey guys! I've had this superhero AU for SuperM for awhile and I am so glad that I've FINALLY published it. I'll be happy to read what you all think about it so far. Look out for chapter 1 coming out soon!

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