23: burning sensation😠

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Hello everyone according to the voting in the previous chapter You all chose option 2
So I tried to lengthen this chapter a bit more and use the photo
Forgive me if it has a wrong grammar because I could not stare at the phone too much
And just a very small point, this chapter has a dirty language
I hope you all vote for this chapter
And goodbye for another two weeks


Ever since off's mother had been talking about being imprisoned in the room and the fact that his mother had never agreed to take him to the hospital, he gritted his teeth angrily

Now, after his mother had finished speaking, he( off ) was sitting on a chair, constantly shaking his legs and exhaling, so off's mother got up from the chair and said to him : "Well, your father has been waiting for you since the morning when I told him you are going to see him, and he is very excited to see you again

After a few seconds of pause, Off raised his head and said: Is he completely paralyzed now?

Off's mother: Yes, but he can nod his head and he can even move his fingers a little, but not the rest of his body

"acctually, I think it's not good idea to see him today because I'm not sure i can control myself ..... my anger " off said and got up from the chair

"Look my so… I'm sorry, your father…." Before she could continue off cut her

" Tell me again ... as you said before ... I missed hearing this word from you" off did not know how to tell his mother, and he took deep breaths between his words and looked around

Off's mother said softly, but it was in a way that off could hear clearly : My son

That word was enough to break all the barriers that off had built between himself and his mother, and the tears that he had been trying so hard to prevent from starting to fall

he went to her and hugged her tightly, They had both been waiting for this hug for years. The boy was waiting for his mother's warm embrace

Story from Gun side

Gun waited in the hallway for more than half an hour, yawning all the time, and because he was bored, he started playing but he raised his head in a personal voice

man: sir, it is for you

The man in front of him could tell from his clothes that he must be a hospital employee, holding a cup of coffee towards gun, exactly what he needed, but how did this man know?

" for me?" gun asked, pointing his index finger at himself

"Yes, a guy told me to give this to you" man said with little smile on his face

gun's hand, which was moving towards the cup, suddenly stopped

" a guy?... Can you tell more clearly who exactly it was?" gun asked and took the cup

Man: I do not know, I have never seen him before, he just asked me to give you this, I'm sorry, I have work to do, I have to go

Gun shook his head in thanks and had the cup in his hand Little by little, it was getting strange, first the car repair money and now this

After a little hesitation, gun started drinking coffee becuase he really needed it he was very sleepy، After finishing the coffee He heard the message and looked at his phone that was an anonymous email that said: I hope you enjoyed the coffee, As you like Not too bitter

Gun stared at the screen of his phone in surprise and started typing: who are you ? How do you know me?

After 5 minutes, gun still did not receive any answer and little by little he was feeling scared and had started eating his fingernails to reduce his stress
Finally, a sound came from the phone, he quickly looked at the screen and opened the email

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