chapter 28: questions😵

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After the Lantern Festival, they both went to a luxury and famous restaurant, and Gun, as usual, spent as much money as he could on dessert and various things, and both returned home around 10 o'clock. After the end of this unique day, now it was time for Gun to tell the truth about the real reason why Off's mother came to their house

 In fact, Gun wanted to explain this to off a few days later, but unfortunately there was not much time left for off's father. Today, while gun was making the lantern, he received a message from off's mother about the date of off's father's injection day

The day he is going to end his life with that injection, and that day is exactly 5 days away
Gun could not wait any longer and wanted to tell off everything as soon as possible. In these two days, it turned out that Off's heart has softened and he is trying to forgive his father, and maybe ... he wants to use the remaining time and be with his father, and that at least in the remaining time, they can become a family again, even at this short time  

 So gun decided to tell off everything after it was over today, but he did not know where to start and what to say, First he talked to off's mother and tried to convince her to talk to off, but his mother did not accept, because she still doesn't have a good relationship with her son or maybe she can't say such a hard and upsetting thing so gun had to tell this bitter truth himself.

After arguing with himself, gun finally managed to tell off. After telling this truth, off's face turned completely dark and it was not clear what he was thinking, and gun did not know what else he could say

gun did not know what else to say, he was afraid that whatever he said would make the situation worse or make off even angrier, so he just kept quiet and said nothing

On the other hand, off did not know how he should feel, he had a combination of different feelings

He should be happy now and even celebrate because the person who made his life miserable is finally dying  But a part of his heart was hurting and he did not know why?

Why now? after all these years that he hated his father, why was his heart softening now? Why does he want to talk to his father again about different issues like in the past, and discuss issues with each other like in the past? Why should he suddenly remember all these memories now and in the corner of his heart he wanted to remember all these memories and the other part of his heart wanted to forget all these memories

Off had been thinking for two days about whether he should go to see his father again? Should he forgive him or not? What should he do?

The words of gun and the monk both affected off( Both on his decision and on his heart)

If someone asked him this question a month ago "Will you forgive your father one day?"

 He confidently said : never

But now he does not know what to say In all these two days, all the good and bad things of the past passed before his eyes again and he remembered them all and he could not sleep well or eat or think of something else

His mother's action, bringing different girls home, that damn hospital, the drugs and syringes that were injected into him, and that period of quitting his addiction

 He can still properly feel the pain he felt when he left the drug, The pain that was spread in his head and all over his body and he could not even sleep more than 4 hours a day at that time. It was as if all the previous events were happening again and off's whole being was shaking  

gun did not know what he could do for off and that he had promised himself that he would not force off to do anything at all. For this reason, this time he did not intervene at all and let off make the final decision himself

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