chapter33. part2

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Hello everyone, to be honest, I have to say a big apology to all the friends who read my novel. I told in the previous chapter that I would update the second part in 4 days, but suddenly something happened to me, so I could not write the novel on time. The situation of Corona in my country has become much worse, especially in the city where I live, so the government closed everything for a whole week, and right in the middle of this issue, I broke my glasses and it took me 4 full days to buy a new one and start to write the second part. So sorry for your waiting 😭😖😖
I hope you all enjoy this chapter😍


How long do you guys want to talk? Aren't you tired of all this talking?" off asked with a smile on his face

"Okay then, you tell us what to do? .... apart from talking, is there anything else we can do in this park?" mild asked the question while sitting on the grass next to gun, and she leaned back slightly and raised her head. off was considered a tall man. Of course, needless to say, more men are considered tall for gun and this included Mild too. In order to be able to see off, she had to raise her head completely and pulled back her back

"Let's play badminton?" off said with gusto while the badminton stick was in his hand and the other bunch of badminton sticks were in Mr. Chen's hand

gun was not in the mood to play but he accepted because he wanted to get rid of some of the +18 thoughts in his head, and so did mild. mild and her father were in one team and off and gun were in another team. At first, mild's father objected

"Hey, this is unfair. You two are young and I am a middle-aged man. This is not a fair competition" Mr. Chen pointed to himself with his right hand and pointed to off and gun with his other hand, which had a stick in it.

 Off replied quickly: "Honestly, gun is not very familiar with playing badminton, so it can be said that he is considered a beginner, so I don't think it makes much difference."

 gun was a little embarrassed by off's words Because he was not a athlete person. Because of his small body, He usually cannot do well in many sports and his body is not strong enough and gets tired very quickly. But his small body also has a number of good qualities for him, for example, Gun is very sharp and fast. It is true that he gets tired quickly, but in the same short time he can run very fast, which is a good advantage for him

off always made fun of him for being weak and jokingly told him that because of his weak body he could not have sex with him more than twice in one night because he always faint quickly (oh, come on off. Exactly how many time you want to fuck him in one night😋😂)

gun himself did not know what problem he had and why he always thinks about sex, from the time he woke up until now and he relates everything that comes up to him in some way to sex

Now the question is why his weak body is related to sex and he only remembers off's words. Why exactly in the middle of a badminton match should he think about having sex and even thinking about it has made his legs numb and become like a jelly? The match started very emotionally and mild and off used all their strength and hit the ball powerfully, unlike gun and mild's father, who play little slower and with less intensity. In fact, the feeling of competition between off and mild was more than the others. They both competed as if their lives depended on this match

The match was coming to an end and gun and off were about to win, but gun's last move caused them to lose. the scores of both teams were high and off's team only needed one more point to win. When the ball went towards gun, the power and intensity of the ball was high and it was thrown so high that even if gun jumped, he could not reach the ball with his stick, so off ran towards him to catch the ball, but at the last moment off slipped and fell on gun  
Thank God none of them were injured because of the grass. off was also able to maintain the balance of his body in a fast movement so that his weight did not fall on gun's small body

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