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No such luck, Louis was just coming in the front door, putting a pack of cigarettes back in his pocket. 

"Caro, you're awake! How are things?"

 He tried to look unbothered, but I could see he was worried. Was he in my room last night? I remembered voices, but not whose. I decided I should just go with honesty. 

"Better now, hell of a night."

 Louis looked a bit relieved that I talked about it. "Yeah, that was... something. I've never seen someone having that kind of panic-attack." He gave my arm a light squeeze.

"It doesn't happen often, luckily. Just some shit from the past sneaking it's way back sometimes." I smiled a bit shakingly at him. Louis looked good in sweatpants and a singlet which showed his tattoos. With a smirk he asked if I was coming down with him, but I told him I had to go.

"Are you working today?"

"Kind of, we are closed Sundays and Mondays, but we sometimes use Mondays to rehearse, and today Sandra and I are trying a new number." He raised his eyebrows, "I guess there's more to this stripper thing than I imagined. Do you work every weekend?"
I cast a glance around, I wanted to leave before more people saw me. "No, this week I have some days off, I only work Tuesday and Wednesday, and then I have the rest of the week free." "Lovely!" Louis responded. "As you know, we'll be going away, but we're having a party Friday. You are of course invited. Please bring some of your friends." He gave me a half wink. "What kind of party is this?" I asked dubiously.

"Oh, a wild one. We don't do things halfway."

"I'll come. Can you please tell Niall goodbye for me? And..." I hesitated. "Tell him thanks." Louis gave me a quick hug and I left the building.

Outside it was warm and sunny, I almost forgot about the stalker and the night before. It was rude of me to leave without thanking Niall face to face, but I needed space. In only days he had become someone I felt I could depend on, and that scared me. My response to that was to flee, but I knew I would see him again. I hauled a taxi and gave the driver my address. I needed to go home and get some other clothes and check if everything was ok. Things didn't seem so scary in the sunlight, but I gave Lewis a call and finally he answered. "Hey bestie, you must have been extremely busy." I said with emphasis on the "extremely". "I'm so sorry, but I have been." His voice was frantic. "I haven't been home, I met up with that customer I told you about, and I have had the dirtiest 24 hours you could ever imagine. I can't talk about it right now, I'll get arrested if someone overhears." He said dramatically.

"Lewis, honey, I need help." This stopped him, I never asked for help. "Sure, what is it?" I filled him in on the whole situation and he promised to meet me outside my building. He was on the subway now and could be there in 20 minutes. I thanked him and hung up. Tired, I rested my head back against the seat. So much had happened the last days, I was exhausted. Checking the clock on my phone I saw I had a message.

You left?? Are you ok? I wanted to say goodbye before we left town.

Niall... I groaned and put the phone away, I didn't want to answer him right now. I'd wait till I knew I was ok.

15 minutes later Lewis arrived, and gave me a big hug before saying anything. "A rabbit? A dead rabbit?"

"I sure hope it was dead." I answered with a shudder. He made a gagging noise and laid his arm around me.

"Well, fear not, your knight in shining armour is here. Although I would have chosen Niall Fucking Horan over me, just saying." I gave him a smile. "I prefer you as my hero." Lewis shined, and lead the way. My door was clean and locked, nothing amiss there. I opened the door slowly, but everything was as it should be. I took a round but saw nothing and slumped back in my readingchair. Lewis came from the kitchen with a glass of water in his hand and gave it to me.

 "Now, tell me everything."

And I did, with just a few secrets for myself. Lewis knew about my past, so he understood the nightmares and panic-attacks. "We are invited to a party next Friday." It seemed so out of place right after I had told him about stalkers and dead rabbits, but I had to mention it. "Ok? Where?" "Not so much where, but who." I teased.

 "Are you kidding me? Please tell me it is who I think it is? Do I get to finally express my undying love for Harry Styles?" He was pacing the floor. 

"You could at least try to look cool doing it?" I asked. "Apparently, it's a PARTY party. All out." He came over and gave my forehead a big kiss. "I knew there was a reason I chose you as my bestfriend, finally your titties make sense to me." He grinned as I slapped him. "If I make it through the next week, that is." I tried joking but it seemed like a bad idea when I heard my fear shining through. "Don't joke about that, you can stay with me if you want?" I thought about it but declined. "I'll stay here for now, but I'll let you know if I change my mind. I have to get ready for practice. Do you want to wait and follow me back?" 

"All yours, babe." he assured me. 

I didn't know what I did to deserve this friendship, but I was so grateful for it.

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