Up in the air

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Another chapter from Niall's point of view😊 When I grew up, my parents worked at an amusement park, and I love the atmosphere of the park after dark, all the lights and laughter.


"Wonder" Shawn Mendez

"The Wild Rover" The Dubliners

"Firework" Katy Perry

"Fade into you" Mazzy Star (walking home)


I tried to act normal, and I think I succeeded. The fact is she shocked my socks off. I could never imagine someone that confident with their sexual nature having a past with abuse. But in a way it did make sense, I guess she needed the feeling of power the dancing gave her. I held her hand and snuck a glance at her behind my shades. The summer-dress was tight over the breasts, but still modest. Dark purple coloured, it suited her well and made her fair skin look almost see through. No fake tan here. The dress went down below her knees and I had to smile at the sneakers. Good choice, we would be walking a lot today. The park wasn't big, but cosy, and after I'd checked the map I decided to take her on the merry-go-round first.

The smile on her face was a look of pure joy, and I couldn't look at anything but her. Dark hair blowing in the wind, smile that brought out the dimples. Sadly, the sunglasses hid her eyes, but I could see them before me, she had the same carefree smile she had the night of the party before that fucker crashed it. My own smile faded, who was he? What did the picture mean? Louis said she looked sick when she saw the ones left on her table. Could it be the bastard that abused her? I was dragged between asking her right now and to wait so she could enjoy this day, and after another look at her, I landed on the latter.

"Something to eat?" I asked her, not knowing if she had gotten something at the birthday-party. She bit her lip and I almost groaned, that was a bit embarrassing. If it was the control over men she needed, she got it. "Maybe we can share something? I'm not so hungry I could eat a whole meal." She lit up when she saw an imitation of an Irish pub coming up, The Dancing Leprechaun. "Of course, they would call it that," I laughed.  Her smile gave me butterflies. "I do believe you as an Irishman is obligated to visit every Irish pub you stumble upon outside of Ireland."

She run a couple of steps with pure anticipation and twirled around back at me. Right then I understood her need for soundtrack, this moment needed only music to make it perfect. The sun made her hairlocks almost red and the smile sent shivers down my spine. Good thing she had her shades on, or else I would have fallen to my knees and begged her to marry me on the spot. I landed on "Wonder"; it would have been perfect. I replayed the twirl in my head and added a part where I lifted her, spun her around and kissed her.

"Hey there, Delilah, what's it like in New York city?" Carolin waved a hand in front of my face. "Are you here with me?"

I shook my head, no need for daydreaming about her when I had her right in front of me. I grabbed her around the waist, lifted her and spun her around. Halfway through she laughed out loud, my last one would have slapped me and told me to put her down before anyone saw us. I stopped and let her down slowly, standing in the middle of a path I kissed her just like in my daydream. Better than in my daydream.

"I was just thinking of a perfect song for this moment, but I don't think a song could have made it any better than this." I tried to explain my glitch earlier. "But I thought about "Wonder". She nodded vigorously, "I love that song," she agreed, while we entered the pub, still hand in hand. We stopped on the inside, adjusting to the dim lighting.

"Go grab a booth and I'll order us something."

She went straight for the one farthest away but with a view out and gave me a questioning look, I smiled back my approval and watched her glide into the booth. She moved with an ease that told the world that she was happy with herself and I loved it. It also made me proud of her, knowing now that she probably hadn't been like this all her life.  

7 Red Roses ( N.H)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora