Lunch with Lewis

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I woke up drenched in sweat, with a hammering heart- tossing the blanket aside to get some cool air on my body didn't help much.  The dream lingered in my mind - naked bodies, slow hands, kisses. I got up to get some water and noticed it was  only nine in the morning. Since I hadn't gotten to bed until five that would explain my tiredness. I lingered in front of the bathroom mirror, my brown hair in disarray after the night, blue marks under my eyes, but with a healthy glow in my cheeks. A sex dream will do that to you. Old habit made me push my nose down to see if I could make the tip go straight but it didn't work this time either. No use in trying to get some more sleep, I'd promised to meet my friend Lewis for lunch at eleven. A long shower and good use of the showerhead made me a new person, and I even painted my nails. When my hair had dried enough, I pulled it up in a high, sloppy ponytail and dragged on some jeans and a hoodie.

My apartment was a bit off from the centre of town, but that meant I had to pay less for bigger space. Bedroom and living room in one, decent size bathroom, kitchen big enough for me, cosy brick walls, and a view to the riverside. Yes, I knew the owner. Yes, I got a sweat deal. No, I didn't fuck him to get it.

I decided to take the stairs down, didn't hurt me to get in a little cardio or ass- training. Outside, the sun was shining and I nearly skipped down the sidewalk. I had to walk ten minutes to get to the bistro, but that was quite alright in this weather. I didn't start work until nine tonight, so I could get in a nap before that. Lewis was waiting for me with a latte for me and a tea for himself. I gave him a big hug, he's my best friend. It's not easy keeping close girl friends when you are a stripper, lessons learned the hard way, I'm sad to say.

"Late night, Carolin dear?". He gave the bags under my eyes a scrutinizing stare. I smiled; "Every night, Lewis honey. That's how we roll." Lewis worked as a bartender on the bar across from The Viper, that being a regular bar, so they closed a couple hours earlier. Before I had the chance to take a sip of my latte the waiter was there to take our food order. We both ordered omelettes and as soon as the waiter disappeared Lewis started dishing about the man he had hooked up with the night before. I berated him; "You should keep away from the customers, at least not bring them home with you. You'll end up robbed one day, or even worse; killed. Stabbed to death. Have you not seen the Jeffrey Dahmer documentary?" I shook my head.

He sighed while he nipped at his tea; "Oh, I know, but you should have seen him, abs like Lucifer and eyes like James Dean. He begged me; how can I say no?" He gave me puppy eyes, and I stared right into them and said "NO" slowly. "Just like that." I giggled.

"Oh, please, don't tell me you never get tempted, even after the disastrous two." That is what we called the dates from hell. Before I could deny the statement, I could feel a blush in my cheeks, and bit my lip. Lewis noticed right away, but right then our food came. I sent a silent thank you to someone. Saved by the bell pepper.

I picked up the cutlery and started eating while keeping my eyes on the plate. I saw a fork come into view and then the fork proceeded to stab my hand. "Caro?" He was all smiles. "What was that? A stripper blushing? Tell me about him NOW." Lewis was laughing at me. I gave him a menacing glare. "There's nothing to tell, you know I keep well away from my customers. When I'm not in their lap, that is."

His dark brown eyes were dancing with laughter. He kicked my foot under the table, and I kicked back. "Please?" Puppy eyes met mine. "Picked up a trick from your guest?" I asked coolly but I knew I had to give in. He would never stop nagging me about this. "It's nothing really, we just had a band as guests last night and I had one of them in the Red Suite. He was kinda cute." I refused to meet his eyes. "What band?"

"1D" I answered very low.

"Come again? Did you say what I think you said?"

I could already tell he was a fan. I nodded ever so slightly. I promised discretion, and there were people close enough to hear our conversation if they wanted. He grabbed my hand and I had to drop the fork. "Which one of them? Please tell me it was Harry?? Jesus, if it was him, I will rub myself all over you." His eyes glazed over. "Shhh." I looked around us. "Keep it quiet."

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