Unmasking the Sith Lord

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          The journey to Coruscant was filled with the noises of Fives cleaning his blaster pistols and Masters Luminara and Plo discussing potential battle plans at a nearby table. I decided to join them and hear what they had in mind and to see if there was anything I could contribute.

"If the Sith Lord does end up being the Chancellor, I am afraid of the amount of influence he has over the people and the Senate," said Master Plo Koon in a worried tone.

"We should not be too hasty to assume that the Chancellor is our main suspect," replied Master Luminara. "It could be anyone. Remember what Aayla said about how a Sith strong in the Force can conceal themselves from detection. We need to uncover more evidence before we make the Chancellor the primary suspect."

"I agree with Master Luminara," I said as I joined them at the table. "While I do admit that I get an uneasy feeling around the Chancellor, we just need solid proof. If we confront him and he ends up being innocent, the people will turn on the Jedi Order thinking that we were trying to seize power for ourselves."

"Wise words, Kane," responded Master Plo. "I think I have a plan in mind."

Fives overheard the word "plan" and rushed over. "What are you thinking, General?", he asked.

"Fives, did you see what this Darth Sidious looked like when he gave you the Order by chance?"

"He was cloaked but he had wrinkled skin and his voice sounded very similar to the Chancellor's."

"Interesting," Master Plo said, stroking the bottom of his black breathing device where his chin was. "How would you feel about acting like you were still under the influence of the Inhibitor chip?"

"Ahh, I see where this is going, General," exclaimed Fives.

"This will be a large risk. You need to contact Sidious and explain to him that you have taken us hostage and would like him to be the ones to strike us down."

"This will both provide us with irrevocable proof of the Chancellor's treachery, if he is indeed the Sith Lord, and give us the perfect opportunity to engage him if he takes the offensive," added Master Luminara.

"I am pleased that you agree, my friend," responded Master Plo. He turned back to Fives. "Once you contact Sidious, show him our lightsabers. We will be acting as if we are unconscious. Hopefully, this will encourage him to meet you somewhere to do the deed."

"What if he doesn't fall for it?", asked Fives. "I mean, he's the most powerful Sith we've ever come across."

"Then all hope is lost...", responded Master Plo with his eyes fixed on the table we were sitting at. "This is the best option we have."

"It'll work," I said confidently, trying to boost everyone's spirits.

"You're right, Kane. There's no reason to hang our heads now. We have a mission to complete!", exclaimed Fives confidently.

"I can sense that the Force is with us in a very strong concentration. There is no way in which we will fall to a Sith," chimed in Master Luminara. "Plo, trust in the Force. It will never fail."

"I am sorry, Luminara. I should have never shown any doubt," said Master Plo remorsefully as he lifted his head high.

           The ship exited hyperspace and we approached Coruscant. The planet was unnervingly darker than usual. It seemed as if a grim shadow was cast over the city.

"Keep your eyes and ears open," Master Luminara advised. "If Captain Rex and his squad have not yet reached Coruscant, then we are still in danger."

"If there was only a way that we could disable all the Inhibitor chips in the clones all at once?", I pondered.

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