Master Yoda and the Citadel

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          All the clone Commanders, along with Captain Rex and Fives, gathered onto one cruiser to come up with a plan on how to infiltrate the Citadel. "I like Fives's idea," stated Captain Rex. "We can use the armor of Purge troopers as a disguise to enter the Citadel."

"I like the idea, but I think the Imperials stationed there would be suspicious if an entire army of Purge troopers show up out of nowhere," Commander Cody said. "For this to work effectively, a maximum of two or three people disguised as Purge troopers will be the most we can do."

"Who plans on being part of this small team?", asked Commander Bly, looking around the command deck at the clone troopers, who have already changed back into their regular armor, hoping that some would volunteer.

"I'm in," I said as I walked up to the Holo-table which displayed the intimidating prison.

"I go where Kane goes, so you can count me in too." Fives put his hand on my shoulder.

"That's very brave of you two," Commander Wolffe commented. "Any others? We could use one more."

Captain Rex went to stand confidently at our sides. Ahsoka tried to stop him, but he seemed to have already made up his mind. "I will happily join Kane and Fives. They're gonna need someone like me to keep them alive," he said jokingly as he spun his blaster pistols in his hands.

           The Jedi Masters had worried looks on their faces. Master Kenobi began to express the severity of the mission. "While I do applaud your bravery, I want you all to be aware of what you are going to be walking into." He touched a button on the Holo-table and the layout of the Citadel came into view. "The records that we have of this place are far from complete. Every soldier we have sent out to map it has not returned. You will be essentially going in blind. However, after fighting beside Anakin and the 501st for many years, I have never seen more capable soldiers than Fives and Rex. I am confident that you both, with Kane, will be able to successfully enter the Citadel and rescue Master Yoda."

"Thank you for the compliment, sir, but will we be getting any support?", asked Rex.

"I'm afraid not, Captain," Master Kenobi responded grimly. "You three will be on your own until you have Master Yoda outside of the prison. From there, we will go in to pick you up. If we all show up at once, they would rather kill Master Yoda than let us have him back and I cannot let that happen."

"Yes, sir," said Rex. "Anything else you need to add before we head out?"

"Good luck," was all he said.

"How are we going to get there?", I asked.

Commander Bly pointed outside. "Anakin's ship is still out there and undamaged. It would be the perfect vessel to get you in without raising suspicion."

          As we were walking out to leave, my Master stopped me. "Before you go," she took out a syringe with a green liquid in it that looked similar to the one Ventress gave me back on Coruscant, "you will need this."

"What is it, exactly?", I asked with a puzzled expression, fiddling the syringe in my hand.

"It will disconnect you from the Force until I give you this antidote upon the completion of your mission." This time she held up another syringe with a blue liquid inside it. "This way the Inquisitors will not see through your disguise so easily."

I was a little shocked. From the first day of my training, I have always been taught to rely on the Force as my guide to direct my actions. "It feels strange to get rid of something that I have been taught so heavily to rely on," I said.

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