A Honeymoon Cut Short

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          When the reception ended, we thanked everyone for attending and began to walk back to my, now our, room in the Temple. Fives offered me his hand and I accepted it without hesitation. It felt so freeing to be seen with him now that the secret was officially out. We arrived at our room and collapsed onto the bed from exhaustion. It was a long but incredible day for both of us.

"So, have any plans for a honeymoon?", Fives asked as he rolled over to face me.

"I don't know. I want to have one, but with the peace in the Temple lost and several of the Jedi missing, I feel like it isn't right."

"Maybe you're right. But I just think that we should have something. Just one more private moment to ourselves before we head back into the fight."

"I'll talk with Master Luminara about it tomorrow. Maybe she won't mind. But for now, let's just get some sleep."


           I woke up alone in bed the next morning and saw a note by the bedside table:

If you need me, I'll be in the barracks with Rex most of the day helping him come up with new strategies.


I figured I would go meet up with him after I spoke with Master Luminara as I promised. I left the room and proceeded to make my way to the room where she meditates every morning. I knocked on the open door and she welcomed me in.

"I sense something is on your mind, my Apprentice. Anything you wish to speak to me about?"

"Yes, actually. I just wanted your thoughts and input on something."

"Of course."

"Since the fighting is at a standstill for the first time in forever, I was just wondering if you think it would be wise for Fives and me to take a quick honeymoon. I just want some final moments of peace and quiet with him before the war picks back up."

"Hmm," she responded whilst looking out the window towards the busy city. "I think time with Fives is much needed for you. I know you do not wish to hear this, but Fives is a soldier, and he is willing to die for our cause just like you. Once war returns, the safety of everyone, especially the clones, will be at risk."

"I understand, Master. Thank you for your guidance. I will tell Fives the news right away. I want to get going as soon as possible."

"I will stay here and try to figure out what happened transpired while we were away. I will contact you if I have any important updates." I nodded my head and exited the room.

          I made my way to the barracks so that I could meet up with Fives. Right as I pressed the button to open the door, I bumped into a clone. He had a blue handprint painted on his armor.

"Oh, my apologies, Echo," I said politely.

"You're all good, sir," he responded smiling. He stepped to the side to let me pass.

I walked inside and saw several bunk beds lining the walls. Many of them were occupied by clones talking amongst themselves or resting. I saw Fives and Rex speaking at a Holo-table viewing different maps and diagrams.

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