The Return to Kamino

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          "You ready for this, Fives?"

"You know me, Echo. I'm always ready for a fight!"

I overheard the two speaking as I walked into the hangar. It was early in the morning and they already seemed full of energy. I was still a little groggy since I'm not really a morning person. I noticed Rex by a Holo-table reviewing the layout of the cloning facility.

"Hello, Captain," I said as I made my way over to him.

"Good morning, sir," he responded as he stood at attention. "I did as you requested, and I have the entirety of the 501st ready for the attack. I also spoke with Commander Bly and Commander Cody before coming here. They also have their Battalions of troops prepared."

"Good work, Rex," I replied kindly. "How do you feel about returning to Kamino?"

"To be honest, sir, thinking about that place makes me feel...confused. I know it's my home, but once you discovered the true intentions behind our creation, I have felt only anger and hatred toward those Kaminoans. They took part in a plot that was initiated by the Separatists to have us kill you and the rest of the Jedi."

"It's understandable for you to feel that way."

"I have already had some of my men saying that they want to get rid of them for good. Ever since Order 66, my men, along with myself, feel like we need to get back at them for what they did to us."

"Violence is not the Jedi way," said Luminara as she joined us. "I, along with the rest of the Council members that are going to be embarking on this mission do not wish to lay a hand on those scientists. However, we are not keeping you and the other clones from delivering justice to them. Do what you feel is right, even if that means killing them. They played a major part in the Clone Wars and it almost led to our destruction."

"Thank you, General Luminara," said Captain Rex.

"Kane, I know how close you are with Fives and the other troopers, but I am ordering you to do the same as me and not harm the Kaminoans."

"Yes, Master."

"Now," said Luminara as she walked towards one of the three cruisers, "I believe the time to depart for Kamino is now."

           Master Secura and Master Plo went on the cruiser with Commander Bly and his Battalion of troopers. I boarded my cruiser with my Master, Master Shaak Ti, Ahsoka, and the 501st. Commander Cody and his troopers, along with Master Kenobi and Master Ki-Adi-Mundi boarded the last cruiser. After a couple of minutes of getting everyone in the proper position, we set off together and entered hyperspace.

           I left the bridge and went to go look for Fives. I found him in the large, open hangar, leaning on one of the several LAATs. He was talking with Echo once more. I knew how close they were, but I have never been formally introduced to him. I guess now would be the best time.

"Hello Fives, Echo," I said, waving as I made my way towards them.

"General," responded Echo as he gave me a salute.

"At ease, Echo. You do not have to refer to me as General right now. Feel free to call me Kane," I said with a smile. "I just came here searching for Fives. I wanted to see how he was doing."

"I've never been better, Kane. It's always a good time when I got Echo by my side. Which reminds me, I never formally introduced you to him. Guess I just never had the time." Fives placed his hand on Echo's shoulder. "Kane, meet Echo. He's the best brother and friend you could ask for."

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