Chapter 1 - training ground

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"Ouch you bitch!" I yell.

Sasuke just starts laughing. What a jerk he is. He just kicked me in my stomach! I will get him back for cheating with his sharingan.

"Next time be faster or you will never get better" sasuke says.

"Listen to sasuke y/n" Sakura yells from the tree.

This bitch does not have to right to tell me what to do. She can't even fight sasuke because she's always so scared of hurting him, it's not like she will even hurt him.

I just ignore her and focus back on my opponent. I charge at sasuke a few times and finally hit him with a chidori. (Kakashi taught me a month ago so I kinda have it mastered.)

Sasuke yells is pain. He should've never thought he was too tuff for me.

"That's what you get sasuke!" I say while walking away to sit down by the tree.

By surprise sasuke hops back up. I back up quickly and surprised that he can handle my chidori. Well it's only been a month since I learned it so maybe i just don't have it in full effect yet.

"How can you just get back up after I chidoried you" I yell at sasuke

"Awe y/n, you really think I'm that weak that I'll let you take me down that easy. Well no that won't happen!" Sasukes yells at me.

He stops for a second and just stares at me.

"What the hell are you doing? We're not having a staring contest, we're fighting cmon!" I yell

Why is he just standing there? Maybe he's gonna try something or maybe he's just waiting for me to attack?!?

Suddenly i see sasukes disappeared and I feel him transport behind me. He whispers in my ear "don't be so rude, you act like you wouldn't mind staring at me"

He then pushes me forward and I fall and then hop right back up.

"I would mind duckbutt! You act like I like you or something." I then disappear.

I am actually under the ground right now and waiting to go up and hit sasuke upwards in his jaw.


I charge up from under the ground and hit him in the chin and make him fly back a few meters. I walk up to him and say "I am never scared of you duckbutt. Now we're don't fighting. I'm tired." I walk over to the tree where kakashi and Sakura is sitting.

"It's getting late and you all should be going home now." Kakashi sensei says loudly to all of us.

Me and sakura agree and I start walking by sasuke.

"I'll walk you home sasuke. It's the least I can do for hurting you roughly." I say to sasuke while leaning down.

"I guess y/n but I swear next time I won't like you win! You always get the upper hand and I'm getting tired of it." Sasuke says

We both started chuckling and started to walk to his house.

Once we arrived to his house, I say goodbye he says "bye y/n I love you princess." He knows I hate being called princess but I didn't let it get to me right now because I was too tired so I just roll my eyes and start walking away and head to my house.

On the way to my house, I start thinking of how long me and sasuke has been close friends. Sasuke and me met when we were 7 in the academy days. He was a very gloomy kid and he told me why once we became close. He told me it was because his older brother, Itachi Uhicha slaughtered his whole clan. When He told me that I was 10. It hurt me that all this time sasuke had no one to care for him. He was lonely for all this time. I'm glad that I became his close friend and I hope I can be his best friend until the very end.

I arrived at my house and unlocked my door with my key. I went over to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water. I chugged the glass down and placed the glass down on the counter. I went over the my bedroom and started finding my pajamas and I brung it over to the bathroom. I placed the pajamas down and turned the shower water on and made sure it was hot. I got undressed and hopped in. It felt so good to be under the hot steaming water. It relaxes my muscles and makes me feel good.

After 30 minutes of being in the relaxing shower, I got out and brushed my teeth and put my pajamas on. I was tired to brush my hair so I decided to do it tomorrow. I went out the bathroom and hopped on my bed and got under my comforter. Finally, I can go to sleep.

-Authors note!!-
This is my first story and writing ever! I hope this is fine for now. Pls vote and comment! Love to all, bye now and see you for next chapter! Btw Sorry for any misspelled words!

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