Chapter 3- introduce

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I woke up in a dark room. It was cold. I feel myself chained up on a bed. I try to remember what happened to me. How did I get here? Is anyone going to help me? How long have I've been knocked up. Then it finally hit me, I was kidnapped.

I started to try and get these chains off of me but it wouldn't budge. I feel useless. My chakra is all drained out.

I hear someone come into the room. I can't see their face.

"Im going to unchain you. After you're going to take a shower. Don't try to escape, it's useless when I sucked up all your chakra." The unknown man said with his dark and stern voice. His voice made me get goosebumps.

"Who the hell are you and what do you want?!?" I say back

"Just shut your mouth." The man said while walking towards me

He unchains me and puts his pointer finger and middle finger on my shoulder

"What are you doing?" I ask

"Lending you some of my chakra so you can walk and stand up for your shower." The man said

"Oh." I said back

I get up while I have a little of chakra and the man leads me to where the bathroom is.

"Here are your clothes. Obey me and try not to do anything with your 15% of chakra because won't work." The man said. 

Once he told me that I listened. I know if I have 15% of chakra I'm useless and can't do anything.

"Okay, I promise I won't do anything. Now can I get in the shower?" I say back

"Yes. Be quick I need you to meet the others." He says back

I get in the shower and turn the water to hot. My bones feel so relaxed under the heat. I wish I can stay forever but I have to be quick like the man said.

Who is this man? He had a red clouded cloak on which means he's apart of the akatsuki but who is he? He looks so familiar.

Then it hit me. He's Itachi Uchiha. He slaughtered his whole clan expect my best friend sasuke. He's a dangerous man. I need to obey him if I wanna escape.

I get out the shower and put on a black shirt and black sweatpants. Atleast itachi gave me a normal outfit.
I hear a knock on the door and it was Itachi. He says "hurry y/n. You need to meet the others in 5 minutes."

How does he know my name? He has never met me at all. So how?

"Okay I'm coming out in a second."

I quickly try to go through my hair with my fingers and walk out the bathroom. I see Itachi sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Follow me now. Don't try anything." Itachi says sternly and serious.

I follow out the room into these brick hallways. I see some torch's on the walls as we walk down them. We stop at a closed door.

"Be nice y/n." He says before we enter the room.

We enter the room. I see some other AKATSUKI. One with purple hair. One with orange hair. One with blonde. And a pink haired one. And a shark looking dude.

"This is the girl. Introduce your selves." Itachi said to the fellow akatsuki standing there with drinks in their hands.

"I'm deidara, you better not mess with itachi.. he will end you." The blonde akatsuki said.

"Itachi said introduce your self, not him deidara." The pink hair one said.

"Anyways I'm sasori.. just know I don't like to be kept waiting young girl." Sasori said

"I'm pain. They shall all know." The orange man said

Know what?

"Pain." The orange man finished his sentence


The whole room just went silent for like 10 seconds



Everyone just started laughing expect pain

"Btw pretty girl I'm Hidan. Nice to meet you." Hidan said

"I'm konan." The purple haired woman said

She seems very quiet but strong. I can feel her strong chakra flow. It's very overflowed.

"Introduce your self." Itachi said to the shark looking man.

"I'm kisame nice to meet you for now.. you'll be dead soon enough." The man said while chuckling

I think he said that to scare me or something but it didn't work because I know I'll escape. I just need to work on a plan. Also I bet sasuke will come for me. He can't live a day without his bestfriend.

"Welp nice to meet you too kisame." I said back smirking

Itachi just glanced at me and I swear before he saw me look at him he had a sly smile on his face.

I walk over to the table where their is cups and some sort of drink. I grab a cup and before I can pour the drink in, I feel a strong hand grab my wrist.

"When did I tell you you were allowed to eat or drink. I said obey me and you shall listen." Itachi said

"Oh I'm sorry. I-It won't happen again Itachi." I say back nervously while I feel heavy glances on me from the other akatsuki.

"Good now put the cup down and follow me out the room." He said back devious

I put the cup down and follow him out the room. As I walked out I heard Hidan say "HAHA I THINK ITACHI THINKS THAT THE YOUNG GIRL CANT HOLD HER LIQUOR" he yells from behind the door

Itachi must've heard Hidan because he just muttered "dumbass".

I follow Itachi and he leads me into a different room I've never been in. It has a bed in it and a bathroom.

"You'll be staying in here. Get some rest because tomorrow your going to be busy." Itachi says to me

"Okay, before you leave can I please have some food. I'm very hungry." I say embarrassed

"Fine. I'm only doing this so you don't die yet." He says back while walking out the room.

I sit on the bed and put my head in my hands. I start letting out some tears. No y/n don't back down now. You need to stay strong your going to get out of this place very soon. Be smart and think of a plan.

I hear the door open and quickly wipe away my tears. Itachi comes in with a plate with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I guess he can't cook or he just rushed because he could've made me something better I thought to myself.

"Here y/n, if you obey more you will start getting better meals. Now after you eat, get some sleep. I told you tomorrow is going to be a busy day for you." Itachi says as he walks out the room and locks the door.

I start eating the small dish and after I put the plate on the small table next to the bed and get on the bed under the covers. Before I lay down, I turn off the lamp.

I feel my eyes closing and there before I knew it I was in a deep sleep.

Authors note - Hey! I hoped you liked this chapter! Please vote and comment and share! Have a good day/night! Love to all <3. Sorry for any misspelled words!! Chapter four will be out soon.

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