Jack Ablem

79 2 1

Age: 16-24 (Dependent.)

Sex: Male.

Role: Top/switch

Likes: Rubbs, neck kissing, his mate, his puppies (If mated with female, or jaxie), His demons, his #1 demon Jaxie, and his family.

Dis-likes: Killers, haters, homophobes, mean people, rotten furrs, blodd thursty vampires, brain eating zombies, the perge, The government.

Bio: Jack is a all star football player. He likes a lot and hates a little. Everyone loves him. His mom is 34 and his dad is 49. He dont have other siblings. So to keep the blood line going, he finds Jaxie and another mate. Jaxie is for the babies and some other stuff, while your oc is for the mains love. This dont mean he dont give Jaxie love, Just jaxie is a demon.


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