Mizuka's Control - Mizuka

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"Sarada has the Power of Youth! Look at that face! She will certainly be a stong Uchiha Princess!"

Mizuka couldn't help but smile at her beloved teammate as he held her niece. Might Guy had been a blessing during this chaotic time, and he loved her family fiercely. Mizuka sat quietly with a pillow on her lap, waiting patiently for her daughter to finish feeding at her breast. The only thing that would have made this more perfect is if Kakashi could be here with them instead of at the office.

Knock knock.

The boys, who were playing with a puzzle on the ground, looked up but didn't move. This actually scared Mizuka a little: those boys were always the first at the door. Something was amiss. Mizuka looked over at Guy before putting her infant daughter in the rocker by the couch, straightening her shirt, and getting up.

Once she opened the door, she realized that the boys had sensed the aura of who was on the other side.

"Why did Sakura move out?"

"Because she said she felt alone and I told her that we will always have room for her and Sarada."


Kizashi Haruno. No one could ruin a perfect moment quite like her shithead of a sperm donor. She could feel her patience already beginning to run thin.

"Aren't you two always out on missions? She's a new mom who returned to the village without her partner. She probably does feel alone. What do you want?"

She watched as Kizashi's eyes turned dark. For a man who was supposed to be working on healing the rift between father and daughter, he had mostly proved that he was still the piece of shit he had always been. She hadn't had her hopes up for him changing, so she wasn't disappointed in their forever rotting relationship.

"Since I can't do anything about her shithead of a father, I'd at least like to support my daughter. I'd like to take Sarada for the day."


"You can't keep my grandchild from me."

Why had Kizashi even bothered to kiss up to her husband? Mizuka sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose with her fingers as she closed her eyes, trying to stay calm.

"Yes, she's your granddaughter, but I'm not handing her over to you. If you want to see her, you can go through her mother. She asked me to keep her, and that's what I'm going to do."

Kizashi sneered and began to move a little closer. He was about to try and intimidate her. But, with a house full of kids, she didn't have time for this nonsense.

"Why not? I heard you have another baby. You already have your hands full, even to the point that you have the Noble Blue Beast of the Leaf nannying for you. Do you really want or need Sarada here? You certainly don't need any more kids; the amount you have already seems irresponsible."

Mizuka matched his sneer with her own, making him back up a little bit. This conversation was about to be over. She stepped outside and shut the door behind her: Sakumaru and Inari didn't need to hear what was about to be said to the man they barely knew.

"Let me tell you about being irresponsible, Old Man. You had a child that you were unprepared for and ashamed of so you neglected her. I thank god every day that Kakashi came into my life as a kid. You can't even fathom the bond we have. He's my best friend, and we are a team. Kakashi and I wanted a large clan, so my baby is none of your business. I'll have as many kids as I damn well want with him."

Mizuka moved dangerously close to his face, practically growling at him.

"And as far as Sarada goes, she wasn't a mistake that we took in. I'm sure Sakura wanted a baby with Sasuke, and she has every right to be happy with him. And I'm here to support her. I love my niece just as much as I love my own children. She belongs here with her cousins. And you will not come to my front door and start some shit. If you want to come over here and act like a psychopath, I'll match your crazy. And stay the fuck away from my family with your shitty attitude. You and Mebuki. My patience has run out with you and your wife."

She stepped even closer, and he backed up a little more, almost as if he was going to run. She secretly hoped that he would swing on her, because she would have the perfect excuse to finally beat the shit out of him.

"These children are loved and well cared for. And even if we were struggling, I would still never hand Sarada over to you. Sakura may not understand what a monster you can be, but I do. I had little control over my life when I left for Tenchi, but I became the master of my own life. And I've brought that control back with me and adapted it to Konoha. As long as myself and Kakashi are living, as well as the people who love them fiercely, you will never hurt these children."

Mizuka was seething. Kizashi turned to leave and she grabbed him by his collar, refusing to let him go. Her strength was coming deep down, from a place of hurt and rage.

"We love Sarada like she's our own, and if you ever lay an unkind hand on her, I promise I will kill you."

And there it was. She saw it. Fear in his eyes. He was afraid of her, for once. He had lost his power over her. She left him with one last thought.

"For someone who claims to want to mend our relationship and bond with his grandchildren, coming over here and escalating a non-issue with me is a really shitty idea. You want to see Sarada? Talk to Sakura."

She practically threw him off the step and walked back inside, slamming the door behind her. Might Guy was sitting on the couch, holding Sarada. Kaori was laying in her rocker, fast asleep.

"Kizashi is an ass. I'm proud of you for sticking up to him."

Sakumaru and Inari ran over to her, climbing on their mother who was now baby free for the moment.

"Okay, Mama."


She hugged both boys close, smiling.

"It really is. He has no more control over me."

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