Iruka's Birthday / Bite - Iruka

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Finally, the last day of the school year.

Iruka's first year as principal went well, he thought. The school year had gone smoothly. Not too many parent complaints. No one trashed the school building. The Chuunin exams went off with little issue.   And now, three months of paperwork from home and spending his days with Haru.

Anko ran out the office door as soon as the final bell rang, leaving him alone in the office until Haru appeared in the doorway.

"Hey, Birthday Boy, let's gt out of here."

He stacked his paperwork neatly on his desk and locked up the office, leaving with his love. They left the building and walked out into the sunlight. She took his hand in hers.

"Do you want to go to the park?"

"I don't care, but are you sure you want to go to the park? It's going to be overrun with kids and parents."

She grinned at him.

"Sure I'm sure. I bet it's a joyous place to be on the last day of school. Excited kids who are ready to enjoy their summer. I'm fascinated by the idea that kids can just be kids here, even in a military village."

Sometimes Iruka forgot how much different Haru's past was from his own. She had never experienced child-like joy as an actual child, so she was soaking up what she could as an adult. But, she stopped and turned back to him.

"Of course, it's your birthday. You get to pick."

He squeezed her hand and leaned in, giving her a small kiss.

"I would love to take you to the park."

They walked toward Senju Park, and closer to home.

"You don't seem very excited about your birthday..."

He felt a little sheepish.

"Sorry. I'm not used to celebrating it. Usually, I just make a mental note to move my age up by one number if someone asks. I haven't celebrated it since my parents died."

"Is it okay if we celebrate?"

"Of course it is! It just feels different, but I'm ready to celebrate with you. It's going to be fun."

They held hands all the way to the park. Once there, the place was teeming with kids and parents who greeted them warmly, yelling excited greetings as they walked. They found a semi-secluded bench so they weren't out in the middle of the crowded park. He sat down and Haru sat next to him, swinging her legs up over his lap and scooting closer.  He put one hand on her knee as the other rubbed her shin slowly and lovingly.

She was stunning in her yellow dress with a beautiful smile on her face. She was far more comfortable showing her scarred arms now as she put her arm around his shoulders. Iruka still thought she had the most beautiful skin, constantly wanting to kiss every scar.

"What do you want for your birthday, Iruka-kun?"

He chuckled.

"Just to spend the day with you is enough. Besides, nothing is going to beat last year's gift."

She looked at him, clearly a little confused.

"What did you get last year?"

He froze for a second. Was she just being playful or did she really not know? Studying her face, he quickly realized that she didn't know. Today was turning out so nice that he was suddenly sorry he brought it up.

"Today marks exactly one year since you came to the village."

Her eyes grew wide.


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