Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 part 3: Andromeda Black,

I always knew this choice was going to be a hard one. Teddy was the man I loved with all my heart....I felt butterflies everything I looked at him, even time he would tell a joke to me it made me brighten up even if it wasn't funny but the fact that he cared enough about me to always try to make me laugh meant a lot. But then there was my family well it was more my sisters Narcissa and Bellatrix that I cared about I knew that if I picked them over Teddy my heart would shatter into a million pieces.

But I had known my sisters my whole life they had been there with me for every thing and I needed them. I needed them for what was to come in my life....and what would happen if I picked them over Teddy. But then there was Teddy I was always taught i had to marry a pure blood and continue on the black family legacy but then my nerdy, quittditch loving, boyfriend brought a new perspective into my life showing me I didn't have to follow my family's rules that we could start our own life together once we graduated Hogwarts and it wouldn't matter if my family left me or abandoned me because I knew Teddy would always be right beside me.

But my dilemma started when Lucius malfoy my sister stupid crush stuck his nose somewhere it didn't belong. And all because he happened to be in the wrong place of the wrong time.
"Andy can you believe it Lucius....Lucius malfoy asked me to go out on a date with him." Narcissa said swooning on the bed in our dorm room.
"I know cissy!" I said laughing at my sister child like behaviour.
"But it's LUCIUS!!!" Narcissa said jumping up from the bed excitedly which made me laugh more. Then she turned serious and moved so she was dusting closer towards me.
" you think sometime I can maybe meet your mystery man!? It be perfect Andy ohhh it be wonderful it fact me and Lucius and Bellatrix and Tom and of course you and whoever this man is that's making you smile ohhh it be the perfect triple date." She said smiling so brightly that I'm sure the sun felt jealous.

"Maybe some day you can meet him...bu Tim not sure yet cissy not to many of our friend even know. I just want to take our relationship slow."
"Oh please Andy!!! I promise I'll not tell a soul if you tell me his name!!" She said getting in her knees in front of me and begging to know my biggest secret.
"Cissy please I'll tell you soon just not today ok?"
"Ok Andy but you have to tell me soon promise?" She said reaching her arm out for me to make the unbreakable vow.
"Really is this necessary cissy?"
"No it isn't but since your already going to tell me who your BOYFRIEND is!!!! There's no harm!" She said bouncing back and forth between her feet.
"Ok but let's do it quickly cissy so your not late for your date!"
"Ok!!!" Narcissa said wrapping her arm tightly around mine to carry out the spell.

But after that night I didn't think I had to worry about anyone finding out about Teddy because narcissa was happy to wait until I told her about it. But apparently Lucius wasn't so happy.
"So Andy!" He said walking up to next to me as I left the common room to head to one of my weekly study nights. "Anything you'd like to share with a common slytherin?" He said smirking at me.
"NO Lucius" I spat at him "I've got nothing to share with you. Now if you excuse me I have to go" and with that I was off to the library.

A few times I made sure to look over my shoulder to see if he was near by and I didn't see anyone so I continued onto the library to meet up with Teddy and the others. But the whole way to the library I felt eyes on me the whole time. But once I saw Teddy with a saved seat for me beside him my nerves relaxed and I leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek as we sat down for the night to study.
"Why did you get so long getting here?" Ryana said looking up at me from her charm papers.
I let out a big sigh and said "my sister annoying boyfriend wanted to talk to me." I said rolling my eyes.

"What a creep" Tyra stated
"Want to to jinks him?"Jemmy said twirling his wand around in the air but Una just elbowed him in the ribs making Jemmy drop his wand on the library floor and gave him a dirty look that said drop it.
"Jemmy get real!" Celine said "your jinks aren't always the greatest." She said laughing which make jemmy stick his touge out her and blow a few raspberries her way.
"Enough you two" Una said "honesty it's just like dealing with first years." She said rolling her eyes at the pair which just made Jemmy and Celine blow a few raspberry's her way. I couldn't take it anymore and I laughed at my friends childish behaviour which made. A whole chorus of laughter fill the library followed by a bunch of shushing from the people around us. I was so happy that my given family could get along so easily.

But a few days later Lucius approach me again this time also wanting to talk about my secret. Which that little weasel was still trying to ask me about. It's as if he couldn't get a hint and it really made me wonder what it was that my sister found irresistible about him.
"I'm sorry Lucius but I have to go!" I said starting to walk away.
"Oh where is that Andy?" He asked staying close by like a little leech. 'God can't he get a hint?' I thought.
"To the library!" I stated knowing there was no way he would go in there.
"Oh really last night you really seemed to get along great with your study buddies!" He said smirking at me as I looked over at him stunned. "You know it's a funny thing what a few family heirlooms can give you" he said walking away from me. "I'd be careful to Andy it's very strange how sometimes people can be cut of their family's with one wrong step.

I've ran so fast in my life I needed to tell Teddy what the weasel Lucius had just let slip. But I knew it wasn't a slip he did it on purpose to scare me and he had won. I had become fearful of him, and what he could tell my sisters to change the whole where they saw me. When I got to the Library Teddy was sitting there already waiting for me. So I told him that Lucius said and together we came up with a plan of how I would tell my sisters before the weasel got to them.

But when I found narcissa only a few minutes after Teddy calmed me down, Lucius had already told her. And I could tell she had been crying... Crying for me for never being able to see me again once our parents found out who I love with all my heart. So instead of trying to tell her the real truth about me and Teddy I just sat down on the bed beside her and made sure I gave her the tightest hug possible. We both did other word as we sat there silently crying together.

It wasn't until our twin mirrors rong The same one the Bellatrix that had another version of. And who was probably holding on the other line waiting to hear the truth for herself. Made us to lose our embrace of each other, I could feel the warmth leaving my body right away The warmth my sisters had given me for a long time. I walked slowly over to my nightstand where my mirror laid waiting for me to pick it up. And as soon as I did Bellatrix face entered the glass image.
"What have you done Andy?" She asked sternly, hoping that Lucius right.

In my heart I knew I couldn't blame this on Lucius because eventually my secret with Teddy would come out in the open but when Lucius sent the owl and told Bellatrix that I was dating quite "a mud blood" I was about ready to curse him. Of course my sister wasn't understanding at all and I've never seen my mirror show her image so fast.  The angry in her eyes was the angry she usually only shop for griffindors.
"It is true Andy?" Was all she said to me before I told her the whole truth about me and Teddy.

I guess part of me could thank Lucius for telling my sisters without my permission, because my choice was finally made over with you a part of my heart I would lead my life with. Would it be the part holding the love for my sisters or the love for Teddy. This had been the war playing out side of me for the whole year and the answer was finally revealed i couldn't live out Teddy in my life  so I choose him...I choice to build the future we wanted together.

The Mirror of Erised: A Black Sisters storyWhere stories live. Discover now