The Attic

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Beth's POV


What have I done now? Probably nothing. And that seems to be a big problem with her. Her being my mum.

I slowly made my way downstairs and walked into the kitchen.


"Don't take that tone with me young lady!" *slap*.

"What did I do to deserve that?!"

"Don't question me! I'm your mother!" *slap*.

"Ha, you call yourself a mother?! You kick me and slap me so much that anyone would think that I'm your punch bag!"

"Oh, you really want to go there?!"

"Yeah. What you going to do about it?"


She dragged me out of the room by my hair. This is nothing new either. I knew where I was going. The attic. She's going to lock me in the attic. Again. I've been up there loads of times. It's just her way of punishing me.

She threw me into the room and stood blocking the door.

"Now you can stay there until I come and get you! Have fun up here."

And with that she slammed the door shut and I heard the key turning the lock. Locked in. Again.

I looked around the walls that are now so familiar to me. There is one tiny window. It lets in a little light. Most of its broken. And because it's winter, it's even more freezing in here than normal. There's nothing on the walls. Bare. The floor is wooden and has a few holes in it here and there. Every time I step on a floor board it creeks. There's no light in here. In fact, there's nothing in this room. Apart from some boxes that are filled with photo albums. Of Harry. There's no photos of me. Harry's the only one that has any photos of me, and they're the ones that he took. He's about six years older than me so the baby ones of me aren't that good. But they're memories none the less. And he takes them everywhere with him. He always takes two suitcases at the least when he's on tour. One with clothes. The other with photos of me. He made copies of some of them and gave them to me. He's always been thoughtful. He looks after me really well. Even though he's hardly ever here, he'll always send me texts. It ranges from something simple such as 'good morning' or 'good night' to really long paragraphs telling me how much he loves me. I miss him so much. He's the best brother I could ever ask for.

Anyway, behind these boxes are some blankets and pillows. When my mum started putting me in here regularly, I decided to keep some pillows and blankets up here because I don't have a bed up here so I need loads of pillows to make it comfy and the blankets so that I have something to snuggle under. I decided to make a start on making my bed. Luckily I had my phone and headphones with me so I was able to listen to music. I also kept an extra phone charger up here so I don't have to worry about my phone running out of battery.

Once I had finished making my bed, I heard some footsteps by the door. I quickly threw my phone and headphones on the floor and sat on the floor, leaning against one of the walls. Luckily the bed was behind the boxes so if my mum comes in here then she won't be able to see it.

I closed my eyes and waited for the yelling to start. But I didn't hear yelling. Instead I heard rustling. I opened my eyes and looked in the direction of the rustling. The door. A note was pushed underneath the door. I waited for the footsteps to go away before going over to the door and picking the note up. It was from my mum. It read:

I've managed to book a really cheep last minute holiday for Barbados. I'll be gone a week so have fun staying here on your own. I hope you starve to death!

That was it. She's pulled the last straw. I can't take this any more. I waited until I'd heard the front door slam. I grabbed my phone and dialled Harry's number. Answer machine. I tried again. Answer machine. I tried a third time. Still, answer machine. I guess this is it. I'm gonna die here. Alone.

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