Chapter 7

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Naomi's pov

"Are we there yet?'' I asked for the millionth time. "No Naomi we are not there yet" He was starting to get annoyed. "Are we there now" "No Naomi we stoped at a red light." I huffed and slumped back into my seat. "Are we there now?" He looked at the rearview mirror and glared at me . I couldn't see but i felt eyes on me. I smirked. "Are we there-" "YES NAOMI WE ARE HERE" I smiled and opened the door. "Hello" I heard Calum's voice "Hi Naomi." "Are we there yet?" "No not this again" Micheal pleaded. He took off the blind fold off and we werent at his house. We were at a the five star restruant. (Thats really the name).My jaw dropped. "Close your mouth Naomi, You'll catch flies." Micheal said happily. I glared at him. Micheal and I have a love hate relationship. Most of the time it was hate. Ashton walked out of the restruant and smiled. "Naomi your here good I just finished my date" I stared at him in pure shock. "Are you Fudgecaking serious?" I stared at him losing it. His faced turned from happy to fear. "N-no I w-was k-kid-ding." MIcheal dropped to the floor laughing. I helped Micheal up as if in a friendly gesture. "T-Thank you." I Nodded and slapped him hard in the face.  He instantly stopped laughing and hard a shocked face because i never slapped him before. "Ashton you were kidding right." Hoping I was right. "Yes I was kidding. I would never do that to you and you left a hand print on Micheal." I lokked at Micheal and smirked. "Lets go shall we?" I asked in a posh accent. "Yes we shall." He mimiced. we walked in the restruant together. 

Hanna's Pov 

Luke brought Pizza while Naomi and Ashton were on their date. I got a call from a pissed off Micheal. "Hanna you need to control you so called best friend Naomi" He was on speaker. "what did she do?" Luke asked. "She slapped me. Really hard." "Are you serious?" I asked. "Yes!" I burst out laughing. "Real mature Hanna." Micheal said. "Mate. Why did she slap you?" Luke asked. "Okay so I dropped Naomi off at Five Star ok. So Ashton decided to play a joke. When he walked of the restraunt He said 'Oh Naomi your here I just finished my date.' and I started laughing histarrically. She looked like Pissed. I thought she was being nice and heled me off the ground. She was actually being Nice. No. I said thank you and she smiled and slapped ME." Me and Luke were Laughing so hard. 'Well if it was me I wouldnt have slapped you if tht makes it better" "Thanks HAnna, you know if you ever get tired of Luke Im always here." LUke stopped laughing and glared at the phone. "Shes fine thanks for the offer Mike" Luke said. Micheal said "Okay love birds Im here so hang up." Hanna hung up. and Micheal walked in. "Nice handprint" Luke said. I jumped off the couch and over to micheal. "Oh man she got you bad." I said he pulled away and took a slice of pizza and sat down. "Don't be mad Micheal it's an AMZAYN handprint.'' I Laughed at my own one direction joke. Micheal and Luke stopped what they were doing and turned to me. It was kinda creepy. "Come on It was PHONEMNIALL.'' I said. Micheal was the first to move.  "Mikey I was kidding. only kidding ok." HE started to close in on me and so was Luke. "Lukey" I squeaked.

Ashtons pov

I was driving Naomi back to her house and she said. "I had a good time tonight. And im really (not) sorry for slapping Micheal." I laughed. "Its fine he deserved it I had a good time to. We should do this again sometime." "We should." She directed me to her house and when we got there She rushed to the door befor i could see anything. "Naomi you ok" she Kicked open the door and we saw Hanna tied to a chair with tape around her mouth. She ripped it off "OW YOU BISCUTT! Micheal and Luke they tied me up becaue I made one direction jokes." I didnt have a problem with one direction but Luke and Micheal did. Both boys came out to check on HAnna and caught NAomi's Eye. "You two better explain your fucking selves." I gasped she never cussed really enless she was severly angry. Luke and Micheal quickly sat on the couch. and NAomi came and glared at both of them. "WHY THE ACTUAL FUCK DID YOU TIE HANNA UP." "Micheal did it!" Luke pointed. "You did it to Luke!"  Hanna walked to the kichen with suplies to make hot fudge sundaes. She handed me cherries and whipped cream. All three of us walked over to Micheal and Luke. There eyes in fear.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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