Chapter 5

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Hanna pov

It's Friday and Naomi is helping me with my out fit for tonight. "We're this and this." She says. I look at the blue skinny jeans and nirvana shirt with the black vans. I nod approvingly. "ok get dressed and then I can straighten your hair" I run into the bathroom and put my clothes on and tell Naomi I'm dressed. Luke will be here at 7:00 and its 6:30. Naomi walks around me looking at her 'art work' and squeals "you look perfect he should be here in 10 minutes" she leaves and turns on a movie. I look at myself one last time and admire myself. I really do look pretty. I hope Luke likes it.

Ding dong

It's Luke. I run down stairs to see Luke in black skinny jeans wearing a Nirvana shirt?!?! "Nice shirt" I complement he then realized that we had the same shirt on. "Aww you guys are so cute . I tots ship Huke (hanna+Luke)" I giggle and walk out the door and I hear Naomi yell "USE PROTECTION"
I gasp and look at her "You and your dirty mind! Don't make me tell Luke about your Ashton stories!" "DONT YOU DARE HANNA PANN I SWEAR I WILL SHAVE YOUR HEAD IF YOU DO"

Luke pov

When Naomi finally shuts the door I get in my car opening the door for Hanna. She really does look beautiful tonight. "Thanks Luke" oh crap. "I said that out loud didn't I" she nods. I blush and look straight forward so she doesn't see me blushing. "You look so cute when you blush" she says and I am definitely looking like a tomato. I turn up the raisin and hear our song End up Here
"Omg this is my favorite song you guys have every written!"
We sing the lyrics to the rest of the song and dance in our seats. We laugh at each other's dance moves thT we did so horribly. An old man saw Hanna dancing and quickly sped off. We both break into histerics. We finally get there and walk up to the front desk and give the lady our tickets.

Hanna pov

I looked at Luke and laughed he was wearing a fake mustache and BAE so he won't be noticed. I quickly snapped a photo and his my phone before he could realize I took one. We walked in the theater and he took off the mustache and nose. I feel a buzz. Naomi had texted me.
'Are you to using protection? ;)' i laugh and get a few looks. I showed Luke the message he laughed and intertwined our fingers. I blushed I felt a swarm of bees in my stomach and blushed. We stayed hand in hand through out the entire movie. We walked back to the car. I was smiling and he was to. 'On our way see you soon!' I shot Naomi a text.

Naomi pov

I saw Hamas text I hid behind the window and waited for likes car to pull up. I was waiting and waiting and I really had to pee. I ran to the bathroom and peed quickly and sat right behind the window. I saw Hanna and like get out the car and walk up to the front porch. They were talking and Luke started to lean in before they kissed I opened the door and they both jumped back and I smiled. Hanna glared at me. "Well I hope you to used protection because we don't need any baby lukes and Hannah's around here now do we." I knew I was in for it tonight Hanna was so pissed off for interrupting and for the inappropriate jokes. She said bye and hugged Luke. "Bye Luke come again" I shouted and I was dragged in by Hanna. If looks could kill. I'm dead. "well Hanna I hope you had a wonderful night. Luv Ya night" I ran to my room before she could kill me . I checked my phone for any messages. I had a text from Ashton.
'Hai 😊'

'Hello Aussie'

'Watcha doin'

'I sabotaged the end of Hanna and lukes date'

'What did you do. I'm excited for this'

'They were about to kiss and I opened the door and said I hoped they used protection and we don't need little Lukes and Hannah's running around 😂'

'Speaking of dates... Will you go out with me tomorrow at 8?'

'Umm Idk I may have my boyfriend over'

'YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?!? Wow naomi I'm so sorry I didn't know'

'Ash I'm kidding of course I'll go out with you tomorrow'


'Were are we going?'

'That's a suprise!'

'Ok well I'm tired goodnight Ashton<3'

'Goodnight Naomi <3'

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