Heaven in Hiding

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The wind had a bitter bite to it as it blew your jacket open, sending a brisk chill through your whole body. The rain had picked up a bit, causing you to pick up your walking pace as well. Easier said than done, however, given that the black stilettos you chose to wear tonight were nearly six inches high and the matching bodycon dress was threatening to ride up your thigh and expose your ass. You cursed yourself for your attire choice at this moment, knowing that it was your tipsy and single brain that told you to dress this way. It didn't help that the only free parking was nearly a block away from your destination.

"Let's go to Camelot," they said.

"It will be fun," they said.

"We can meet some lookers," they said.

Well, you were still hoping that the last part would be true. It had been a hot minute since you had seen any sort of action, and being that you just got off your period, you were hoping to be humping something other than your pillow tonight.

You shook your head at your impure thoughts keeping your head down to not ruin the makeup that adorned your face. You noticed a few black feathers strewn on the ground in front of an alleyway, most likely from crows that frequented the busy alleys. As you neared your destination you felt eyes on you, and you nervously scanned the area to make sure you were in the right place. You were relieved to see the entrance to the club just up ahead, indicated to you by the big lit-up pillars with "CAMELOT" written on each one. There was a line of people stretched down the sidewalk, but luckily your friend had connections with the owner and got you on the VIP list, claiming it was your "birthday". You walked past the waiting crowd, a few catcalls and whistles faintly heard over the sound of the city accompanied by the bass you assumed was coming from inside the club. You ignored them and rolled your eyes as you made your way up to the bouncers, one of which was holding a clipboard and a flashlight.

"You on the list?"

You nodded your head and gave him your name, as well as fetched your ID out of your wallet and handed that over to him.

"Ah, the 'birthday girl'," he said, waving his air quotations so you could see them. You blushed slightly before he continued, "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

You thanked him as he lifted the barrier so you could enter the club, the upbeat music blaring in your ears as soon as you opened the door.

The inside of the club was dimly lit, with colored lights leading your way down the dark hallway towards the much brighter bar. Once you got down the end of the hallway you scanned the bar area for your friends, praying you weren't the first person there. The entire area was furnished in brown leather, with comfortable-looking booths and lavishly cushioned seats replacing the typical bar stools you'd expect to see at a club. All of the walls were lined with mirrors, causing the flashing lights from the dance floor to bounce vibrantly throughout the entire venue. The dance floor was as crowded as ever, which made sense given it was a Saturday night. You recognized the song blaring over the speakers as one from the K-Pop group BTS. Dynamite, was it?

Your thoughts were abruptly interrupted by an average height man bumping into you, causing you to stumble a bit. He quickly turned around to look your way, nearly spilling the whiskey in his cup as he did so. You could smell the liquor on his breath, indicating he was probably a couple of glasses in so far.

"Hey there, sexy thang! My apologies!" His voice was somehow louder than the blaring music in the background. You could hardly recognize him at first, but you couldn't mistake the long blonde hair. It was relaxed and back in a loose hanging bun, as opposed to his usual spiked updo. Hizashi Yamada, a well-known DJ in the area, was most likely here for a gig.

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