You Meet Their Significant Other

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Some of these are just random names also, If you want the characters Sexuality to be changed you can tell me


[Age: 16] 

You were currently training when your father walked in quietly with someone else. As soon and she stepped in you grabbed for your blaster and pointed at the Woman "Calm down Y/N Lower your weapon" Anikin Said calmly "Fine, But if she tries anything I'm shooting her" You said with Anger in your voice, Anikin sighs and walks towards you "Y/N, This is Jamie . . My Girlfriend" He saw you Tense up a bit when  he said 'Girlfriend' "What?" You asked in shock "I'm Jamie, Sorry if you don't like me" Jamie said trying to calm You down. All you did was Run. You never ran this fast in your life when you got to your quarters you used the Force to move everything in front of the door so nobody could get in.

Note: You didn't take it so well



You were fixing Poes ship when Rey came up to you "Y/N Sweetie?" Rey Asked before whispering to someone "Yeah?" You asked getting out from under Poes ship and wiping your cheek that had oil on it "Oh Hey Finn!" You said smiling "Hey Kiddo," Finn said ruffling your hair "Y/N, I came over here to tell you . . I and Finn Officially started dating!" Rey said Exidedly "That's Great Mom! I support you two!" You said happily

Note: You took it well



"Father, I'm back from Training!"  You said as you walked into the hut, not hearing a Response "Father?" You asked again "In the Kitchen Y/N/N!" Luke said You ran to the kitchen "Who's That?" You said looking at the Woman "This is Denice, My new Girlfriend" Luke said, "Girl- Huh?" You said getting a bit dizzy "Oh dear!" Denice ran over and handed you something cold to put on your head "Is that better Dear?" She Asked, "Yeah- Thanks, Denice!" You said Smiling before giving luke a thumbs up

Note: You liked her, You took it well

Boba Fett



You ran around the ship Franticly looking for your dad, He promised to tell you a story before bed tonight, "Daddy!?" You yelled out before hearing him Grunt and walk to his door "Yeah, Y/N/N?" He said Kneeling down "You said you would tell me a sto- Who's that! She's So pretty!" You said before practically running to the Mysterious person "Are you a Princess?" You asked smiling "Maybe I am? Maybe I'm to You'll never know" She said using Jazz hands after that. Boba Chuckled "Well Y/N, This is Star. My Girlfriend" Boba Explained to the 9-year-old amazed by Star "Is she gonna stay here forever?" You asked looking at the two Adults "Maybe" Boba said. You all ended the night with both Boba and Star telling a story and you all cuddling together like a big family.

 ( Hope you liked it star! It was a little rushed ) Note: Your 9, You liked anything really

Din Djarin


You were about to finish with your sketch when you heard a huge bang come from the cockpit, You ran straight up there "Dad you alright?" You asked "I'm fine- I just dropped something," Din said Before picking up a Woman "You dropped a . . Woman?" You asked confused as to why there was someone else on the ship "This is Gamna" Din said "My uh, Girlfriend" Din said "You're what!? You said you would never get one and now she popped out of nowhere!?" You said Raising your voice "Listen Y/-" "No I won't listen! You promised it would be just you and me forever and nobody else other than Grogu . . An you ruined a promise" You said yelling but you got quieter towards the end "I'm Sor-" Din tried to Apologise but you ran away before he could talk

Note: You didn't take it well

Kylo Ren

[Age: 17]

"Father, why do I have to wear this eyepatch? I look like a pirate" You asked confused "You scratched your eye, It's going to get infected if it wasn't there" He said before a woman walked in "Kylo?" She asked, "Who's this, Father?" You asked Confused "Oh, This is Lyxn. My girlfriend" Kylo said before he noticed you look at the Woman before walking out of the room saying nothing 'Why must he do this!?' You talked to yourself in your head

Note: Nobody Knows

Words: 757

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