Dating Barry Allen Would Include . . .

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' Him being shy

' scared to talk to you

' After he does, you both get excited about liking science as much as the other

' Him having so much fun and being so excited that he asks you out then and there

' You, of course, say yes

' Him telling you he's the flash after he had to save you and miss dinner

' You promising to keep his secret, him saying he knows

' Him being adorable romantic

' Head kisses because he's tall

' Kisses all over your face when you give him a great idea

' Cisco liking you

' Catelyn thinking that you are good for the team

' Barry hugs you all the time

' Meeting Barry's dad (before he got out)

' Barry apologizing for how you had to meet him

' You telling him it doesn't matter to you where you meet his dad

' Barry using he speed abilities during sex

' Making out a lot in StarLabs

' Not much changing after he creates flashpoints, between you two that is

' Barry loving you and being very protective of you

' Although that proves difficult when you turn out to be close friends with both Leonard Snart and Mick Rory

' Difficult for him to believe at first cause you a good person and they are criminals

' Him being awkward when you and Lisa (Lisa Snart) hangout because she is your best friend but also a criminal

' Joe and Iris thinking your great for Barry

' You and Cisco making references to movies and t.v. shows 

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