『C H A P T E R 1』

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Being a nerd at school sucks. Sometimes you get bullied, teased, and students laugh at you. I'm used to all of that. In fact, I'm only wearing it for style. Although it makes me look nerdy.

Hi, I'm Tyler. I've been studying at Maple High since grade 7. Every day is the same;
I get teased because of my glasses. Funny thing, one day I was pushed by a guy named Noah and my glasses fell off. Everyone was staring at me especially the girls. They were shocked... I guess it was their first time seeing me without my glasses. I mean, what's wrong with a boy that has black hair and emerald eyes that got his glas ses knocked off?

Anyways, let's go back to the present. It's Monday today,
my mom wanted me to take off my glasses, but I just refuse.
I know it's kinda rude, but I like glasses. I'm in the lunchroom right now sitting alone
(as usual 😒). I don't have any problems about it anyway until... Noah comes in.
Noah is A BIG JERK. He always picks on kids who are smaller than him. I'm not saying I'm 'shorter' than him. I'm actually 5'8 and he is 5'6.

As he came closer, I could see Noah holding up a basketball. Uh-oh, I'm going to be beaten up again. I mean, even from here I can see his evil grin.
"Hey nerd!" He said snickering.
"Ughh, what do you want?" I said feeling kind of guilty wearing glasses.
Noah just grinned and hit the ball on my head.
Suddenly we heard a voice.


♚『My Guardian Angel』♚ | by DARK ROSES ☕︎Where stories live. Discover now