Rahi San

52 10 14


dear kingklutz,
one of my few dudebros here on this barren orange lands, i shall refrain from bringing up past memories to make this an emotional speech (like how i thought Your pfp Was edgy when i first saw it, forget i said this by the way ).

So, may your birthday bring upon much, much, much happiness to you, so that you can drown but not die ( i mean this in a good way, Don't take it wrong).

May your upcoming days,. months and years bear today's sigil and keep you afloat in the flood of happiness till we get to wish you again.

Of course, THE wishes wont be granted but Let's hope they do! Let happiness rain down upon you, let the chrysanthemums fall From the sky! (wait that sounds kinda gay, Don't take it that way)

Have A Stellar one dudeman!

-Rahi <3

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