Chapter 2 Day 2

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After patting your head a few times Jonghyun was called to go eat.

"I'll be right back." Jonghyun said smiling.

Getting he left through the door quickly.

'Ugh great. What if everyone finds out too soon?' you questioned internally.

You sat up straight and leaned your head on the headboard of the bed and closed your eyes. Then you could hear footsteps approaching. You opened your eyes to see Jonghyun standing at the door with two bowls of the soup you had prepared earlier with Key. Jonghyun had a folded bed table under his arm as he walked towards you smiling.

"What are you..."

Jonghyun set up the table and placed your bowl and his on it. He then sat on the bed next to you.

"Well it'd be rude if you didn't get to eT and if you ate by yourself, so I'm here to keep you company!" Jonghyun spoke picking up a spoonful of soup and blowing on it and putting it to your lips.

"Ah," Jonghyun said opening his mouth as demonstration.

You did as told and sipped the soup up.

He laughed and you took the spoon from him to feed yourself.

"So what brings you here to Korea? I was going to ask Key, but I'd like to hear it from you," Jonghyun asked before putting a spoonful of soup in his mouth.

Your eyes got wide and your cleared your throat before answering him.

"I uhm... I'm here for vacation. I leave in a week,"

"Ah, I see. I see." Jonghyun said paying a lot of attention to what you were saying. His eyes never leaving yours.

"Yeah... I'll be helping here for the week also, so I hope we'll all get along," you smiled nervously.

A couple hours later it was about time for bed and Jonghyun and Taemin were getting ready to go home.

"Guys wouldn't it be nice if you stayed here for the week? C'mon we have a guest this week and she'll really be leaving and we'll probably never see her..." Onew said happily at first then at the end he got a little choked up.

"Yeah c'mon it'll be really fun!" Key agreed smiling.

"Ah, no it's fine! You guys should go home it's no big deal!" you said worried.

"No no no. We have a guest for a week so they should atleast stay so you'd be able to see us all together the whole week here." Onew finally said after holding in.his tears.

Mimho nodded agreeing with him.

"Mmm... I guess you guys are right. I'll stay then let me call my mother first." Jonghyun smiled and then took.out his phone and headed towards the kitchen to call.

Everyone looked at Taemin now.

"Oh, yeah I'll stay! It's been so long since we had a sleepover like this!" Taemin giggled and called his mom.

After the boys finished Key explained how sleeping would work out.

"Well since y/n is the guest and Jonghyun and Taemin never sleep here, y/n, you.will sleep in their room while they sleep here on the couch. Everyone nodded except for you.

"What? No no that isn't fair. That is their room! I can sleep here no worries!" You stood up protesting.

"Y/n it's fine," Jonghyun held your arm and smiled.

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