Chapter 5 Day 5

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"Ah... Do I really need to answer?" you asked trying to laugh it off.

"Yes, hahaha. I'm really curious... I really like you and would really hope you were to stay here in Seoul with me.. Well .ot live with me of course... Hah... We'd hang out and all and have fun!"

You bit your lip as Jonghyun translated everything.

Jonghyun was then instructed to play the commercials that usually played at this time.

"Ah we will have to wait for your response after the break!" Jonghyun smiled at you then translated.

You walked out of the room then out of the building quickly.

You heard footsteps follow you quickly and a hand held your arm. Turning you saw Jonghyun standing there looking at you confused. His black turtleneck sweater went up to his chin making his skin look paler than usual. His grayish brownish hair stood put in the city lights you both stood under.

"Where are you..?" Jonghyun never finished his sentence instead he pulled you to an embrace.

"Y/n.... Can I ki-"

"I... I have... I need to go.. I'm sorry. Excuse me." you pulled away and bowed to Jonghyun before leaving.

"Wait! Let's go somewhere..." Jonghyun said as held on to your hand and began to walk.

The walk was quiet and all you could hear was the sound of your heart beating so hard and fast. The feeling was painful and you wondered if Jonghyun noticed it. He didn't look down once at you as you both just walked.

You guys ended up walking to the café he took you last time. He sat you down at the same table and seat as last time and he also sat down next to you.

"What are we-"

"Last time, y/n, we were here I told you I wanted to know everything about you. I wasn't lying about that... It seems as though you missed a part though... I want to know... You can trust me... With anything. Just please tell me what's wrong."

You sat there watching his lips move as he spoke. You knew he was speaking and you heard every word, but what you had to tell him wasnt what you wanted to say here, or now for that matter. You weren't at all ready to tell him this big secret that unfortunately almost all of SHINee already knew.

'It's better if I don't say anything and he thinks I really just left...'

"I...I'm not ready..." you spoke quietly.

Jonghyun let his head rest on your shoulder and let out a soft sigh.

You knew he really wanted to know and you knew it was the right thing to do..

"I'm sorry... I need to go back..." you said getting up from your seat moving Jonghyun's head off of you. Just as you were about to start walking he got up and held onto your arm trying to stop you.

"Wait, please don't go," he said his eyes looking worried.

Your throat grew that too familiar lump and you knew if you didn't leave now you'd cry right infront of him again.

"I'm sorry," you said and pulled away from his grasp leaving him standing there.

You didn't know where you were going, but you couldn't stay there any longer.

'I can't! I couldn't do it!' you cried as you walked down a path that led to a park and you sat on the bench. You cried and cried feeling your heart hurting.

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