Man in the Photo

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       Jongho wakes up that morning and quickly gets ready to head out for the Dynamite Ruins. It doesn't seem too cold out but he's pretty sure if Seonghwa wants to model then they will be there all day until sundown which is usually how it goes. Not that he minds Seonghwa is a great model to work with let alone being friends with. He texts the group chat and lets them know that he's heading up to the property as he puts the Polaroid camera strap over his neck.

When he arrives Hongjoong, Seonghwa and Yeosang are already here sitting on the crumbled walls were a window used to be, or what they guessed due to the perfect flat cut in the crumbling light blue structure.

"Where's Mingi and Yunho?" asks Jongho as he sits his belongings down next to the rest of his friend's bags.

"Right here!" exclaims Mingi as Jongho sees him and Yunho run up the hill out of breath.

"You two are late as usual" says Hongjoong as he fluffs Seonghwa's shirt out as an attempt to get him ready for the photo shoot.

"Well today it was Mingi's fault, I had to drag him out of bed he forgot to set his alarm" Yunho explains while everyone rolls their eyes simultaneously.

"Well since everyone's here let's just get started, I prepared a lot of outfits for today. This is also a huge protect for my class before the holidays so it has to go perfect" says Yeosang.

"Relax I got this covered, you seem to forget I'm a good photographer" Jongho giggles as he gets his professional camera ready with the different lenses.

"Where's that old camera you were talking about brining?" Asks Hongjoong.

"Oh it's in my bag I just figured it was more important to help Yeo with his project first then we can have fun taking old looking photos with it after." Explains Jongho as he tries sets up his tripod on a smooth surface but failing.

"Hey why don't you set up the tripod over there on the better part of the foundation.

It looks like it's not as damaged as the rest of the floor." Mingi explains pointing to the odd patch of the foundation of the old night club that wasn't as crumbled as the rest of the floor.

"Yeah good idea" says Jongho as he moves the tripod over to the other side of what was left of the room, which was a good idea considering how the sun was facing in the morning sky.

      A few hours have passed since they started the shoot for Yeosang's project as they take a break for lunch. Thanks to Seonghwa's caring instincts he brought everyone lunch so they wouldn't have to walk down the hill and back up to get food.

"So my dad had an idea to possibly rebuild this place to make it a museum to preserve this town's historic value. He bought the actual blueprints for the house from Mr. Kim Namjoon." Mingi said in excited tone.

"What?!?? You mean THE Kim Namjoon? From BTS? "Yelled Yeosang after choking on his sandwich.

"Yeah I mean my family has worked with BTS in the past to help build this but Namjoon kept the blueprints until now, my father ran the idea by him and he was glad about the possibility of seeing it back to its former glory as a museum." Mingi said as he finishes up his food.

"That would be really cool, they were huge and Dynamite was iconic at the time  so I'm sure it would bring in a crowd here" Hongjoong said as he helped Yunho clean up.

"Well, I wonder if they will put in the part about that guy going missing here." Yunho said.

"Oh yeah I forgot about him, sadly not much is known about that man. I don't think I recall them ever saying his name." Jongho said as he gets the orange camera out of his bag.

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