The Vengeful Spirit and a Helping Hand

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    Jongho packs up and makes his way to the front desk to give the keys back to Miss Yoon and exits the library. He slowly makes his way towards his dorms with a heavy heart worried about breaking San's. He knows that he has to as that's what was most important to San. As he is deep in thought he looks toward we're he knows the city bench is where he usually sees the old woman. She gives him a sad smile as if she knows and can feel what has happened. Jongho gives her a nod as he walks past her making his way to the entrance of his dorm.

    Jongho takes off his book bag with a deep sigh and takes out the photos and the news clippings for San to see.

"San? I'm back from the library with news about Wooyoung." He calls as his head is down not wanting to face this.

    Jongho barely even knows San but he has an emotional connection with him. Even though he's departed, he is still the same age in his ghostly form and he considers San a friend. Jongho has always followed his heart and has been the type to grow attached to people quickly and sometimes he thinks it could be his downfall, but luckily Jongho knows how to pick friends and trust worthy people well.

    Just when Jongho wonders if San will show he appears.

"Hey! So, how did it go? Where does he live?" San asked with enthusiasm in his voice. This hits Jongho like a truck as he grabs the news paper not looking directly in San's eyes.

"San.....I'm so sorry.....but Wooyoung is dead. He hung himself in his home a year after you went missing...." Jongho holds up the news paper toward San as he gets closer to inspect the writing. All of a sudden Jongho feels the energy shift as he looks up from the paper.

    His heart skips a beat as he looks directly into Sans eyes. This wasn't San anymore, he looked like the type of ghost that would go around hurting people, a restless spirit, the most violent of ghosts to come across. "San? San! Can you hear me?" Jongho yells at him as he feels the energy change to the most negative he's ever felt. The atmosphere felt heavy on his shoulders as he could feel San fight his anger, sadness, grief and guilt.

"San....I know your hurting but, I need you to calm down you don't need to loose what you have left of yourself from anger pl-" Jongho is stopped mid sentence as he feels strong hands around his neck. He looks up into Sans sad blackened eyes in fear. He knows ghosts in this state are the most dangerous and has been known to drive out the living from their houses and even hurt and kill people. The lights in the dorm are flickering at an alarming rate and Jongho can hear the glass in the bathroom shatter as well as the neighboring dorms. San let's go of Jongho and then feels a sharp pain in his cheek. He quickly grabs it and feels liquid coming out of it. He realizes San's poltergeist had thrown his coffee mug hard into his cheek.

    "San please! Calm down!!!!! We can still possibly find Wooyoung! We don't know if his soul moved on or is roaming somewhere! Let me help you! Fight the anger and grief back otherwise you will never see him again! Don't loose yourself!" Jongho yells at the top of his lungs as tears filled his eyes. He wasn't crying from the pain in his cheek he was crying for a friend he can feel going through so much pain.

"J-Jongho?" said a small voice. He looked up at San as his eyes went from black to his natural brown color. The energy in the air shifts back from the evil negative enters back to what he can feel is grief and guilt. The lights go back to normal as he can hear voices in the hallway of the students running in the hallway as they question what just happened to each other. The stinging in his cheek throbs but Jongho hasn't really noticed the pain.

"Jongho...oh my god I'm so so so very sorry I didn't mean to act like this I-" San starts to sob as he comes back to really. He's never seen a ghost cry like this before. He didn't even know they could. Jongho's heart lurched as he can feel the feeling of loneliness and loss filling Sans energy. He's never felt emotions like this before, not to this extent. Jongho tears up alittle as he looks at San helpless.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2021 ⏰

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