23 - The boy who will miss you forever (last letter)

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Dear Heartbreaker...

This is my last letter to you...

Karol Sevilla.

Over the past year I have been a halestorm of emotions.

When I first read you letters I was sad and in so much pain.

You broke my heart.

But let's start from the beginning.

I met you on a rainy day.

You smiled.

My world changed.

We went in a date and saw The Lion King because you love Disney.

I gave you sunflowers for our one month anniversary because I knew you hated roses.

We dated for 18 months (a year and a half).

And then 'The incident' happened.

I was in my room sleeping when I felt lips on mine.

I immediately thought it was you so I kissed back.

I didn't open my eyes but I sat up still kissing 'you'.

When I did open my eyes I saw you standing in the doorway with tears flying down your beautiful face.

It turns out is wasn't you I was kissing...

It was the school bitch Candelaria Molfese.

I immediately detached myself from her but it was too late...

You were gone.

You ran.

And my heart broke for the first time.

I immediately tried to find you and after searching the whole night I called your dad and told him you ran.

He called the police and they found you the next morning in the woods.

Basically hiperthermic.

I felt crushed.

This was all my fault.

I stayed in the hospital waiting room and asked the doctor if I could see you but he said you didn't want that.

So I left...

I shouldn't have.

I should have fought to see you.

To explain that I didn't kiss Candelaria.

I thought it was you.

After that you never spoke to me again.

I tried calling.

I talked to your parents.

I came to your house.

I tried...

But I know I could have tried harder.

And for that I'm sorry baby.

For five months I heard nothing from you.

I was so broken.

I barely went to school.

I terrorized Cande though. Every chance I got I would torment her. To ruin her life like she ruined ours.

Dear Heartbreaker... (2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon