C o n f u s i on

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                            It was 5:30 AM..-time to get up!  You rolled out of your bed and went to your kitchen to eat some breakfast.  You pulled out Y/F/B (Your favorite breakfast) and ate until you were filled up.  Then, you went back to your room, and put on C/O/Y/C (Clothing of Your Choice) and your ninja gear.  Then, you went out the door of your house to go see your comrades.

                          "Hey, Y/N chan!  Come here!"   Your teammate, Naruto Uzumaki, had shouted in the distance.

                            You walked towards the group, consisting of: Sai, Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki and Kakashi Hatake.  

                            "Naruto, you should be more quiet!" Sakura hollered quietly and gave him 5 light knuckles in the face.  "The neighbors are STILL sleeping!!"

"Sakura chan, calm down.  You see, it's not like a good comrade to punch people lightly in the face, as it says in this book it's like hatred-"

"Oh god...not this again." you mumbled.  "I'm surrounded by complete dunces.  Did they forget to eat their breakfast or something?!"

                            "Morning, everyone!" Kakashi Sensei walked towards the squad while grinning through his mask.  "Sorry, I was just reading my series, because I thought that you all would take too long."

"Uhh, we're actually the ones that are here first, ya'know?" Naruto stated.

"So, what's our next mission, sensei?" Sai questioned.

"Before I get to the subject, Yamato seemed to be feeling pretty nauseous last night AND earlier this morning, so he won't be joining us today," he replied.

"Should I check on him?" Sakura questioned.

"It's okay, he can take care of himself," Kakashi calmly stated.  "Anyways, we don't have an upcoming mission so far."

"Aww...why not?" Naruto pouted.

"I don't really know why...it seems like there's no problems going on, which is very uncommon."

"That's weird, dattebayo."

                         After meeting up with your squad, you were walking with Naruto to the Ichiraku Ramen shop, since he didn't have enough time to eat before he met up with you and his comrades.   He was pretty hungry on this fine, spring day.

                       Things went well until we encountered Konohamaru and his friends, Moegi and Udon.  They looked like they were setting something up.  It looked like a summoning scroll, but you weren't sure because there was also a teleportation scroll, but was extremely rare, so it's probably worth about all the Ryo in the 5 nations, which is a WHOLE lot of money.
                       "Hey, Naruto, Y/N!  Bring the rest of your squad here, because we gotta show you something!" Konohamaru hollered, and was eager to see you and Naruto at this moment.

"Are you sure about this, Konohamaru?" Moegi asked.  "We may never see them again!"

"What do you mean?" You questioned.


                        Later, you left them waiting for you to come back with the rest of squad 7, and there was an awkward silence between you and Naruto, and you decided to break it.

                       "That was pretty awkward...I wonder what that was all about," You said.

"Same here, Y/N Chan~" he responded.  "I guess no ramen for now~"

"Anyway, after that, maybe we could train together, once Konohamaru shows us something 'cool'" you said.

"Sure, sounds great!"

                       After you got the rest of your comrades, and somehow got Yamato Sensei to come along, you went back near Ichiraku and it seems like they're nowhere nearby.  'What a bummer...' you thought.  

                     "NARUTO!  DID YOU SERIOUSLY TRICK US TO FOLLOWING YOU FOR NOTHING?!" Sakura hollered brutally.

"Just stop, Sakura," You said, calmly.  "Just like earlier, people are still sleeping.  You're too loud~"

"Okay, but he can just get on my nerve sometimes, Y/N san!" 

"Just don't hurt him, jeez."

                     Out of the blue, you and your squad fell unconscious.  You didn't know what happened, or why it happened.  Little did you all know, it was a teleportation scroll.  It still remains a mystery.

F o r   n o w . . .

O f   c o u r s e .


  Thanks for reading!  Sorry if it was too short, it also took too long because i was really busy.  I appreciate any feedback you comment.

(676 words written.)

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