B a c k s t o r y

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                              "Y/N...that looks gorgeous!" Sarah exclaimed.  "Where did you get that dress from?!"

"Well...I got it from KDWW (Konoha Designer Wardrobe for Women.) and...it's from my friend, Ino," you replied.

"Who is this young lady?" she asked.

"She used to be my friend, but one year ago she accused me of liking this one guy named Sasuke," you said.  "But, to be honest, I don't like him.  Not even as a friend..."

"Jeez...out of all the subjects in this land we HAD to bring up boy-crazy topics??" James annoyingly questioned.

"Shut up, will you!  This is an A and B conversation, so stay the C and D out of it!" 

"It's fine!" you replied.  "Anyways, how did any of you get here?"

"I was on a ship that lead to Boston, Massachusetts...but then James showed up, and and event called 'The Boston Tea Party' happened.  And believe me, this was one 'party' that you wouldn't want to be at!" Sarah stated.

' Was it really that bad..? ' you thought.  "Okay, Sarah.  Anyways, what about you, Moses?"

                            Moses got up from the seat and cleared his throat.  "Back in West Africa, I was captured and was brought on a ship, and got sold to other people, which meant that I became a slave.  I escaped by using my mind, and my hands.  Then, once I was free, I was working in the Printing shop here in Philadelphia.  I also worked to help Benjamin Franklin along with James and Henri."

"That's pretty interesting, but why would they enslave you?" You questioned.  "Isn't it illegal?"

"I don't know where you grew up, but in this country, slavery IS allowed," he added.

                        You were shocked.  It was supposed to be banned all over the world, but not this place?  Hell, if they were in the village they'd not experience any of that.  What was wrong with the 'kage of this place?  Do they even have a 'kage?  Do the settlers govern themselves?  You had a lot of questions.

                        "That must've been terrible!  I'm really sorry..." you said.

"You don't have to pity me."

"Alright then...what about you, Henri?"

"I came from France, and went on a ship with my family." he states. "We brought a passage onto the ship to get to the colonies, but then the plague was on the ship and killed the majority of the passengers onboard.  My mom and dad were two of the many people."

"That's not good at all!  I'm really sorry-"

"...Then," he interruped.  "The captain made me his servant, to pay off the passage.  I was cooking, cleaning, this that, anything he told me to do is what I did for him.  If I did anything wrong, he would lock me in the ward for hours and hours."

"Wait...you were a slave too?!"

                      He nodded his head up and down. You strongly hated the fact that they were slaves, that didn't have any parents, and probably Sarah had the only happy story out of the entire group.  'Maybe James has a better story?' you thought.  You don't like sad events.

                    "How did you earn your freedom..?" you questioned.

"James and Moses were on the ship, and they found me behind bars.  I was scared, because I thought they would cause me harm, but they rescued me, and I was very glad.  But, we had to get past the captain for me to escape.  So, they put me in a crate, and we left."

"Woah!  Right under the Captain's nose?!"

"Right under his nose!" James exclaimed.

"Good thing! I got worried for a second..." you giggled in relief.  "What about you, James?"

"I was a young child this one night, and it was pouring outside.  My home was struck by lighting, and was on fire," he stated.  "I was the only survivor, because our neighbor came in and saved me, I don't know my parents because I was so young."

"How tragic, good thing you survived," you said.

"I'm hungry!" Henri exclaimed.  "Y/N, can you cook?"

"I can try..."

The next chapter will be here shortly! :)

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