S h o c k

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You were in a deep sleep in a room with a group of people. There was so much noise, if you were able to open your eyelids you'd be able to get out of that place. Then there was silence. Then noise. Silence. Noise. Silence. Noise.





s i l e n c e






t a l k i n g






w i l l i t e v e r e n d . . . ?

You finally woke up, and there were patients laying on their beds. You were thinking:

W h y a m I h e r e ?

W h a t i s t h i s p l a c e ?

W h e r e a r e m y f r i e n d s ?

I s t h i s a h o s p i t a l ?

W h a t h a p p e n e d ?

You had so many questions, it never stopped. You decided to run out, and you had fled the entire building. The place looked pretty old, but nevertheless, you kept running. There were people in clothing you never saw someone wear. The town looked unusual, and there were so many people. So much talking. So much noise.

You wanted this to end.

But, how? You don't even know this area.

"You look like the lady! Wait, are you her?"

Just then, there was a boy that was shorter than you, brunette hair tied back with strawberry highlights, and was wearing a black jacket, a blue shirt and brown pants. You figured out that he was French, from his accent. You didn't know this young man, but yet he knew you! What was going on?

"Oh...uhm...w-who are you..?" You asked, nervously.

"My name is Henri! I'm Dr. Franklin's assistant, and Moses is looking for a lady to help him with something."

"Uh...okay? Who even is he?"

"Oh, he works with me and James! Now follow me!" He said happily. He grabbed your hand and he pulled you to another place.

--Meanwhile with Sarah, Moses and James--

"James, stop the racket! I'm trying to write a letter! You can be so ridiculous sometimes, you know," Sarah said, annoyed by James' current doing. He is helping Moses print out the pamphlets for the Pennsylvania Gazette, but the press machine seems to not be working so well.

"What do you mean?! I can't control what's happening to the machine!" James replied.

"The machine seems to be a little out of the ordinary, it's pretty close to its resign," Moses said.

"James! Moses! I found her!" Henri hollered in the background.

You finally had Henri let go of your hands, and you opened the door and saw two men, and one woman. One man had black hair, brown eyes, white shirt and black pants, while this other man had Blonde hair tied back, blue eyes like the sky, a white shirt with a green vest and brown pants. They were both covered in dust, it seemed like they were having trouble working on something. There were dozens of papers on a table, right next to what looks like a press machine.

"So...what am I doing here?" you questioned.

"I'm sorry that Henri brought you here!" Sarah said, mad at what Henri did. "Sending a poor female to work in this place."

"I can work on it! At least, I think I can...but I don't know any of you guys!"

"I'm Sarah! We're all from England, except for Henri and Moses. Henri is from France, and Moses is from Africa."

"Uhm...okay...but can I trust you three?" you responded. "We just met...and I have no idea where I am."

"Mhm! You're in Philadelphia," Moses answered. "In the Pennsylvania Colony."

'What kind of place is that..??' you wondered. You nodded your head and started to scan the room. This was like some sort of work room. It's pretty messy, and you were thinking of what country the 'Pennsylvania Colony' would be in. Then, you decided to introduce yourself.

"I'm Y/N L/N, from Konohagakure/Hidden Leaf Village. I don't exactly know how or when I got here, but the last thing I remember is when I was walking with Squad 7 of when this young boy, Konohamaru, and his friends were going to show me something 'cool', and then, right out of the blue, I fell unconsious. But, I'm glad I can trust you guys."

"Wait, so your not from England?" Henri questioned.

"Yes, that's right. I don't even know what kind of place that is."

"Well, at least we know who you are, but look at your clothing! It's damaged! I'll get you some new ones!" Sarah exclaimed.

"It's okay, but if it's really necessary, then I'll change into my F/C kimono!" you spoke.

"What's a kimono?" she questioned.

"A type of dress," you answered.

"Okay! I guess that seems nice."

After changing, you walked back in the room with your F/C Kimono, and tied your hair into (Your favorite hairstyle.)

"Y/N...that looks..."

Thanks for reading! Sorry for slow updates, I've been pretty busy.


See you in the next chapter! OwO

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