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Silence and only seeping silence where your head and ears just have a ringing sensation like two electric magnets being pressed over the ears which are then only followed by darkness to utter dismay.

Like you're a six feet tall human being trapped six feet under the ground and shoved into a rat hole, you've been forced to fit in there even if you don't for nobody cares, not a single body gives a cent. You're breathing and your heart is pumping the blood as loud as possible and the only noise that is echoing inside that hole is the one that you've been making while you're muttering to yourself.

"You have to live, you have to live, you just have to live..."

It's a hot and cold emotion all over and at some point you are ought to think about your existence, your whole purpose of being alive inside that cramped box. However, you aren't dead but in no way you're even living, in a way you're starving but also accustomed to all of it now.

"I didn't want to do this, I really didn't but I had to. I just had to and now my hands are dirty. I'm a criminal, I'm a fuckin' criminal because of you, all because of you. I hate myself, I just can't stand it. God this is so wrong these stains wouldn't go away. Why don't they-"

Then comes a bright light as soon as the rusty gate of the cell opens for the first time.

In forever...


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