Spiritual Parallelisms

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To equivocate is to do myriad things. Although it has no single precise definition, it can be in its spiritual form related to tenets in every conceivable religion. In christianity through papal request one can become excommunicate from the said religion, through the referral of the individual to the pope via the intermediary of an individual in the office of an archbishopric/bishopric. In consideration of the act of exclusion, at least to develop a euphemism, myriad reasons abound. This is where the nirvana of equivocation is reached, and the mind is at its catalytic state of neurosis. In appropriation of this condition, a resinous flow of considerates are implored by the improbable outcome of stimuli response. This is the foundation stone of the deranged form of thought, a mutate of reflection, which locks in the encompassing dispositions which in the modern and pseudo field of intellect under the appellation 'psychiatry' are colloquially called labels by the majority of the 'buddha's' of the art, enlightened or not, in their respective states. Here I propose the first antidote to your state of the neurotypical in reaching equivocation, synonymous with true spirituality. If one considers my short reference to Buddhism in the present paragraph, the learned amongst you will notice the error made according to general knowledge of the religion, albeit a pseudo form. I unreasonably considered the generally favoured understanding of nirvana to be conjunctional with both enlightenment and that of its antonym. Two things cannot be of one, since they are two, logically contested. Equivocation is just one, it is a religion in itself, a pantheism of the mind.

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