Interim in Dissertation

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To digress, I would like to suggest to you my motives for writing this essay, as interceded as this proves, i have already fallen captive to my original intention of not writing in 'para' so to speak. My motive is simple in external, shallow and humble view, of course, but obviously due to omnipotent forces and incomprehensible laws of equivocation it is an extremely complex process. Subconscious simply is the reasoning, as to quote from the general philosophy that 'what is there ought to be and what is not ought not'. In seriousness of the scrutiny of the conscious, i can find one adequate philosophy which I have developed to standards adequate enough for it to be included with detail. That is, the Philosophy of intellectual hedonism. Since this treatise pertains solely to the provenance of itself, i shall only provide overview. As the title is suggestive of the philosophy, I ought not overdo myself here. The philosophy if applied is a diverse and rather dangerous one, depending of the psychology it applies to. Ultimately, to summarise the philosophy, 'to do whatever in real time makes one happy in felt emotion'. Thus, elaborating on diversity, this is inclusive in human psychology, and for risk, or danger, the dependency of the philosophy on the stimuli that increases content in a person, which could produce any thinkable effect. Thus, personally, at the current time of writing this essay, it must make me happy, since i have applied the philosophy with great zeal (as is almost inevitable in the case of the progenitor of a philosophy) unto myself, and thus no laws inclusive have been bent. Hereby I close the case of my tyrannical 'interregnum' discourse on alien thoughts.

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