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𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙨-𝙢𝙖𝙚 𝙢𝙘𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙡𝙚𝙮
"How have people found my Instagram?" I asked the three boys, each sitting on the sofa in the lounge. Harry and Freezy each held an Xbox controller, Cal sitting on his phone.

"Don't underestimate the watchers," Cal shrugged towards me, locking his phone. "You were a main part in a video, of course they're going to find your socials."

My eyes widened, not realising they'd already posted the video, and frankly, I hadn't expected anyone to really pay attention to me.

"Bloody hell," I huffed, spinning on my spot to head for the fridge. I took out a water bottle, taking a large sip before making my way back over to the boys. "My phone won't stop buzzing."

"Id take it as a compliment if anything," Cal told me. "Unless they're being dickheads, then you're fucked."

I held up a finger, leaving my water on the table in front of the sofa, heading to the bedroom for my phone- hundreds more notifications filling my home screen.

The boys had swapped controllers around by the time id got back to them, Harry now being the one without one, Cal playing instead of him.

"Read some of them," He urged, nodding towards me. He'd stolen my bottle of water from the table, unscrewing the cap to take a sip.

"That's my water-"

"I bought them," Harry shrugged, interrupting me before I could even finish. I rolled my eyes, flipping the boy off. "Now, read some."

I pressed against the notifications, eyes skimming them as I began to read some out:

'OMG you're so pretty!'
'no way you're lux's sister'

"Well that's a bit fucking rude," Cal gasped, taking his eyes off of the TV for a moment.

'poor girl looked like shit after being in that cupboard for ages' - I screwed my brows at this one, not knowing how to take it.
'please send a link for your shirt in the video?'

I gasped, looking up at Harry as I began to read out the last one, a large smile taking over my face. He only looked at me confused.

"Ha! Listen to this Harry- 'I counted the comments of the video, Iris won the bet.' In your bloody face!"

"Bet?" Freezy piped up. "The fuck are you finding to bet about?"

Harry rolled his eyes, huffing in annoyance as he stuffed his face into a cushion accessorising the sofa.

"She was playing this stupid game, I said I reckoned only 10- or something like that- people had played it, she said 30."

"Episode," I spoke. "And it's not stupid, clearly."

"Nah," Freezy shook his head, giving Harry a quick glance. "To be fair, it's a decent game."

"See!" I squealed. "Oh my God, that makes me so happy Cal." The ginger snickered, turning back to the game.

"Well- tell your new mate I think it's sad that they counted the comments," Harry spoke, annoyance in his tone.

"It's okay Harry," I laughed, taking a seat by his side. I patted his thigh, the boy swatting my hand away. "But you still owe me that £5."



"So you're enjoying it?" Theo asked me. Id hardly spoken to him since I moved to London, so with us both free this evening, we decided to call. I missed him immensely.

"I am," I smiled, even though he couldn't see me. He was on speaker phone, my phone sat on a cushion as I lay flat on my bed. "It's fun, Cal's helped me make so many new friends."

"That's good," Theo agreed, his happiness evident over the phone. "I'm glad you're not feeling lonely."

"Of course not," I shook my head. "It's really good T- obviously I miss everything about France, but i'm glad I got a change."

"You said it'd make you happy," He spoke, his background sounding awfully quiet. "I'm glad it has, honestly."

"You guys should visit one time-" I began to say, a loud knock coming from my end of the phone. "One second. Come in."

Harry walked in, waving a £5 note in his hand. A hoodie covered his head, hair messy and poking out of it, with a pair of shorts hanging low.

"Didn't think id get it," I mused, watching as he placed it down onto the desk in my room.

"I play fair," Harry shrugged. "You won, and id have transferred but I haven't got a clue about your bank details and shit." His eyes then flicked to the phone, his lips forming a 'who's that?'

I mimed back 'Theo', before actually speaking and saying, "the actual money will do, never know when you need an emergency 5."

"Yeah well, that was mine- lucky you."

I hummed a laugh, "thankyou though, I didn't actually expect it."

"No worries," he nodded, walking towards the door before making a quick stop. "Uh- I think we're ordering a Chinese or somethin' later, you want something?"

"Yeah, i'll come out soon."

Harry nodded a final time, leaving my bedroom with a quiet slam of the door.

"Sorry," I spoke quickly to Theo. "Harry- we had a bet."

"Harry?" He questioned.

"One of Cal's flat mates," I told him. "Cal and Harry."

"That's confusing," He laughed. Theo then let out a small yawn. "Look, I'm crazy tired, i'm gonna take a nap."

"That's fine," I replied softly. "It was nice to talk to you, I've missed you."

"Miss you too."

𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙨- 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙡𝙚𝙬𝙞𝙨Where stories live. Discover now