Chapter 7

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A surprise chapter! Hope you enjoy it , if you do please leave a comment!

When the song's finally over, Joanne doesn't waste any time in leaping off the stage and onto the sofa, tackle-hugging Cassie in all of her bare-breasted glory.

"Long time, no see, asshole," she shouts over the music, and Cassie slaps her friend on the thigh.

"Well, you know, I'm a grown-up now. I have to spend my evenings coming up with new ways to torture my students," she yells back.

"Those poor kids." Joanne cackles with laughter, ruffling Cassie's hair as she moves to sit on her knee. "Well, you look great."

Cassie snakes an arm around her friend's waist, giving her an affectionate squeeze. "You don't look too bad yourself, but you're going to ruin my Saturday Night Fever suit if you don't get your oil-slicked ass off my lap," she observes, wiping her hand against the back of the couch. "And you might want to consider going a little easier on the fake tan, too," she adds, with a twinkle in her eye.

Joanne pinches her lightly on the arm. "I thought you might have softened in your old age, but you're still a huge bitch," she whines, and Cassie closes the distance between them, giving Joanne a friendly peck on the lips.

"Face it, Johnson you wouldn't have me any other way."

Cassie raises an inquisitive eyebrow when she sees the amused look on her friend's face.

"What?" she asks , and Joanne nods towards a spot over her shoulder.

"Uh... does Bambi over there belong to you?"

Cassie whirls around, and swallows audibly when she sees Rachel staring at them with her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open. She looks flushed, and glassy-eyed, and a little bit... jealous?

"Schwimmer!" Cassie exclaims, somewhat disturbed by the way her heart-rate picks up at the sight of her student, "Weren't you heading back to the Convent?"

"Well, I thought about what you said, and I..." Rachel trails off, staring at Joanne, and then abruptly averts her eyes again.

Cassie shares a mischievous look with her friend.

"Jo, this is Little Miss David Schwimmer. But you can call her Schwim."

"Actually, my name is Rachel," Schwimmer says small, and Cassie has to repress a huge grin when Rachel politely extends her hand to Joanne. She's clearly making an effort to appear oblivious to her friend's nudity, but it's painfully obvious that she doesn't know where to look.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Rachel."

Joanne gamely shakes Schwimmer's hand, and then leans towards her with a wide smile.

"Aren't you a little too young to be dating this bitter old hag, though?"

"We're not... I'm not..." Rachel sputters, and Cassie decides to take pity on her.

"Pull up a few , Schwimmer," she says, patting the seat beside her. "Schwimmer's one of my students," she informs her friend, and Joanne shakes her head.

"So, naturally, you decide to take her to a strip club and ply her with alcohol."

"Hey! This is a purely... educational exercise," Cassie protests, but her eyes are sparkling as she meets her friend's knowing gaze. "Schwimmer's one of our more... promising... newbies," she admits, but then she sees the look of glee on Rachel's face and quickly decides to add, "Which isn't saying much, because most of them are hovering somewhere between hopeless and tragic."

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