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 6:15 am

It's the start of another day!

Another beautiful morning!

My name is Adam Kenn and, I am a Psychiatrist! That feels so good to say. Although, It's not true. I'm not a psychiatrist just yet. I'm going to be completing my post-degree supervised work experience for the next two years at the YCMHTC (youth counselling and mental health treatment centre) today. I look forward to it! Although, I am a bit nervous because I am the youngest intern. Most people start their supervised work experience after eight years of university but I started after six. Also, I just turned twenty so ordinarily, I should only be in my second or third-year college but I finished high school at 14. (I skipped a few grades). I love psychology because I'm eager to learn how people think and why they do what they do. Why are our thought processes so different? Why are our perspectives so different? People with nearly identical life experiences can turn out completely different as can identical twins who are a genetic copy of each other. It's not just biological but it's not just environmental. The human psyche is a vast ocean of mystery and I want to find out as much as I can about it. I chose a youth counselling centre for my supervised work experience because the outdated notion that one can be 'too young' to struggle mentally is something that's always bothered me. From my experience alone I can say that high school is a breeding ground for anxiety and depression. I can admit that my struggles had more to do with the fact that my classmates were much older than me and so fitting in was bound to be a problem but I also observed them suffer in their own ways. Adults like to believe they reserve the right to be stressed because they work and have bills to pay whereas children get to freeload off their parents. But in school, not only are you expected to perform well in academics but in extracurriculars as well and if that doesn't happen then you are considered a weak student and constantly berated about how no college would accept an average student. They're saying if you don't do well in activities designed for people with certain strengths then you're never going to have a good life. If that's not enough to stress someone out I don't know what is. That's why working at YCMHTC is so exciting because it's a place dedicated to helping young minds tackle the challenges they face. Young minds are the best option for observation when trying to understand people. They're still forming personalities and opinions so I'll get to watch that process. Rather, I'm going to get a glimpse of it.

I like to begin my day by making my bed and doing a short yoga set. It's a great way to get rid of that morning grogginess. I do about thirty minutes of stretches before getting in the shower. Cold showers are the best! Especially after a workout! Fun fact, cold showers cause our brain to release endorphins which are also known as happiness hormones! It works kind of like electro-shock therapy and results in alertness, and clarity as well as increased energy levels resulting in a more optimistic attitude. This is actually due to the subconscious fear of drowning that's triggered once the water hits the skin. Cold showers also improve metabolism and circulation.

The next activity on my schedule is going to the gym. I was fortunate enough to move into an apartment building that has one and I get to use it for free since I am a resident. I throw on the fresh pair of sweats which I'd left folded on my desk the previous night and race out of my apartment. Keeping a healthy routine is a key element in having a healthy mind. Working out in the morning is a good place to start when setting up one's daily routine because, after a morning workout, you won't feel lazy to keep up with the rest of your day's planned activities.

After an hour of subjecting my body to weight training, I rush back to my apartment to get ready for work (I feel like such an adult! Well... technically, I am an adult but now I feel like one.) Following a cold rinse to cool myself off, I take a warm shower. The more time passes the more anxious I feel about my first day. I mean, I've been waiting six years for this day and here it is. I study the attire I'd picked to wear in the mirror. I decided to go with the classic sweater vest look most psychologists wear in movies because I couldn't figure out what else to wear. It doesn't look half bad though.

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