Finding out

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The warden found out I had sex with the crimson alchemist a week later, the warden hit me a bit as punishment "Ow!" I yell, that yell seemingly woke Kimblee up from his nap and he ran to the front of his cell "FLOWER ARE YOU- WHAT THE HELL WARDEN?!" Kimblee yelled as I was crying, I manage to get away when the warden was distracted, I got into Kimblee's cell as instinct, shaking, hoping the warden didn't hurt the potential child "M-Mr. Kimblee..." I say, shaking "You can just call me solf, or daddy if you want, darling~" Kimblee softly said, he was such a sweetheart when he wanted to be "Okay... Anyways," I say and lean to his ear, "I give you permission to hurt him, I'll give you a blowjob, or maybe a titjob later~?" With that, Solf smirked and harmed the warden and I just stood there smirking "Next time, don't touch my damn FLOWER!!!" Solf yelled and I giggle "I love it when a man is protective~" I say

Solf smirked and the warden ran away scared, "now, about that blow/titjob~" a smirking solf said "Which do you want more~?" I ask, teasing him pulling my uniform up slowly "Grr.... How about, both~?" Solf said as he pinned me to the same spot I had been railed in "Ah~! Hai daddy~" I said, wrapping my legs around his waist "Hello, baby girl~" solf smirked before taking both of our clothes off and pushing me to my knees "Get to work bitch~" solf said, kinda aggressively "Yes Sir~" I start sucking his dick and rubbing it with my tits. This made groans come from Kimblee

"Flower..~" was the low groan I heard from Kimblee and I keep doing my thing, going faster "Ha...~ Trying to make me cum so soon~?" I softly nod my head "Well it's working~" I smile softly and keep going, soon enough he came in my mouth, I went to spit it out "Oi! Bad girl, Swallow it~" I swallowed it not wanting to be punished "I have to go real quick.." I say sadly "Awe, Flower will you be back?" Solf asked me "Yes Ofc love.."I leave to the store and buy a pregnancy test, I decide to just take it there since I wasn't that far from the prison, I wait a bit, and... The results came back a bit later

I go to the prison and hide the test, going into Solf's cell, "Babe~" I say "Flower, I've been waiting for you.. Are you okay?" He asked, being a softy "Yes I'm okay but.." Solf got worried "But...?" I sigh "9 months someone else will be calling you daddy..." I say, scared of his reaction "But, you already call me daddy~" solf said "Not in that way... I mean..." Solf for confused "The someone else will also be calling me mommy.." I tell him, it clicked then "Wait! Your serious?! I'm going to be a dad?!" Solf seemed excited and he hugged me gently, I giggle "Yes, Solf your going to be a daddy!!" I smile and kissed him gently

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