the day

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I was outside my fiancés cell, a year later, our daughter 6, me 28, solf 30... I hope he gets out soon... Oh, btw he had gotten me pregnant 3 months ago (during the time skip and when Raven was with the babysitter) I still haven't told him. "Daddy?" Raven asked "Yes, my little seed?" Solf looked down to his daughter, heh... I'm the bloomed flower, Raven's the flower seed, who will turn into a flower bud... solf is what...? The soil, water, sun that will help the seeds growth? Yes..

"Mommy's pr--" Raven starts saying "RAVEN DON'T YOU DARE! I'm scared of his reaction this time..." I admit and walk into Solf's cell "please... I'm not ready to tell him about your little sibling Raven!" I blurt out "Mom, you just did.." Raven giggles and Solf looks at me, I look away, scared he'll assume I cheated "Raven has a little brother or sister..?" Solf asks softly "Yes... And it's yours... Again..." I admit, still looking away and solf hugs me softly "I love you and our family, Shay, don't ever think I don't.." Solf kisses my cheek softly before rubbing it and I tear up from happiness

"Kimblee! You've been released!" The warden says "..... YES!!!" I exclaim "I'll see you at home babe~" I gave him the address and went home with Raven waiting for my lovely fiancé to come home, we might need to move into his house bc who knows how many children I'll be having from him... Hopefully only 3.. I don't want more than 3! 3 is enough for me, so Raven, this child I'm pregnant with, and the next one is enough for me..

[Solf P.O.V] The warden leaves after my flower and seed left, allowing me to take my philosophers stone out of my stomach and change into a suit with it. "Good as new~ Oh how I've missed being in suits, considering the circumstances that I was born and raised in a wealthy family, but ik my precious flower loves me for who I am, not bc of my family, though, none of my family members are alive, so I'm currently the only original Kimblee alive, parents were killed by my explosions by accident, but I think the house is still in tact?" I rambled to myself as I put my hair into a ponytail

I leave my cell and walk on out with the warden escorting me out, once we got out, and I was in a car with what seemed to be a military officer? What was a military officer doing getting me out of jail? The military officer changed it's head ((Sorry for not remembering what was said, I'll update it once I know)) he had given me a new stone, I swallowed both of the ones I now had, my original one, and my new one, he wanted me to wipe a city off the map "Yeah yeah, sounds fun, but take me to the apartment buildings..." I say

"What for, Kimblee?" Envy asked "There's a girl I need to see... Two girls actually.." I reply, truthfully "So, you got yourself a couple of girlfriends while in jail huh?" Envy smirked "Fiancé and daughter actually... My fiancés name is Shayla, and my daughters name is Raven..." I say looking out the window "Alright then..." Envy drove me to the Apartments, Jeez this building looked run down, well, she won't need to live there for long, you see, just just outside of Central, there's a penthouse/mansion that used to be my parents house, they said of they died, it would be passed down to me instantly and that the fuheur had to put a 'NO TRESPASSING, KIMBLEE RESIDENCE!' So that nobody would try to live there, heh, I wonder if the maids kept it tidy and if any new ones are there.

I started walking to 219, Shay's apartment, I get there and knock, instantly greeted with a small human, I knew exactly the small human was, Raven Jan Kimblee, my beautiful daughter. I smile and bend down "Hey sweetie, where's mommy?" I ask her "MOM, DADS HERE!!" Raven yells, and Shay comes running over, tackle hugging me, I chuckle "Good to see you too dear..." I kiss her softly "I missed you so much solf!!!" She exclaimed to me "I missed you too... But you won't be living here much longer, flower, and seed.." I mumble

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