Chapter Two - Firsts

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Chapter Two

Sapphire fixed her hair for what seemed like the millionth time. Saying she was nervous was a major understatement. She felt like the fitting of the shirt around her waist was making her chest pop out. She wanted to look good yes, but she was there to work, not to attract anyone. Especially not someone she worked with. That would be awkward - she wasn't a fan of sexual tension.

"Sapphire Mary-Anne Adams!" she turned to face the wrath of one of her best friends, Arlie. "I honestly just fixed that! Would you stop touching yourself?"

"Hah, that's what she said." Jay, Arlie's long time boyfriend said, bursting out laughing at his own joke and making Arlie turn on her heels to glare at him.

"No she didn't Jay, that doesn't even make sense." Arlie glared at him once more, making him roll his eyes. She always did this. They were quite an awkward but perfect pair. He was easy going and careless with an overall loveable attitude, while she was a career-focused woman with a few close friends. They had been together since high school, always been known as the sexiest couple.

"Saffy, you look so adorable!" Her other friend, Rose squealed from the doorway, rushing to give her a hug. "I'm so proud of you!"

"Yes, yes. We're so proud of our little baby growing up. You cutie-pie, you." Jay said sarcastically, pinching her cheek. Sapphire smacked his hand away and stuck her tongue out at him.

"Okay, now here." Arlie handed Sapphire the finishing touch to her outfit, the black clutch with cream lace. "Now, do a little twirl for us."

Sapphire twirled obediently, trying so hard not to fall flat on her face because of the heels Arlie had forced her in. Arlie was a renowned fashion designer. She actually organized all the girls' outfits. They were furious at first, but soon she had realized each of them had their own style and had gifted both of them a preferred wardrobe, for their 21st birthdays last year. "You look sexy mamacita!"

"Of course she does," Jay said wrapping his arm around Arlie's waist, "She's in your designed clothes."

"Aw, bebé." Arlie said grasping Jay into a heated kiss.

"Ahem, guys." Sapphire said glaring at the pair, while Rose pulled them apart. "Last time you guys made out in here, you had sex on my bed. I had to burn that mattress. And I was quite fond of it too."

"I hope your boss finds you hot so you can finally get laid." Jay said, "Maybe after you get some, you won't be so opposed to it."

"I'm not opposed to having sex!" Sapphire shouted, "There's nothing wrong with waiting until marriage to have sex! And besides, how do you know I haven't already had sex?"

"Because you just said that." Jay, Arlie and Rose said in unison before they burst out laughing.

"You guys are impossible!" Sapphire said stomping to the door, "I bid you good-day."

"Don't be late after work! We have dinner reservations at Fettucinni's at 7PM sharp! Archer's going to be leaving for his business trip with my dad after so don't be late." Rose shouted after her.

"Yeah, yeah." Sapphire replied leaving their shared condo. They were meeting tonight because Rose wanted to share some big news about Archer and herself. Little did she know that they already knew! Archer and Rose were engaged.


Sapphire took a deep breath and confidently made her way through the revolving doors to her new workplace. She had been here various times over the past week to attending the basic training in her line of work. She had made a few acquaintances, such as Lance, John's assistant, and Leslie Brooke, the girl that worked at the front desk and of course John. She had yet to meet the man that would be her boss. Sapphire could only hope that the man was nice.

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