Chapter 2 ouch

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I woke up and frisk was on top of me well I guess I fell first how did I survive., Wait there are some flowers never mind I should wake frisk up she could be dead.

Y/n: "Frisk are you okay"

Frisk: "Yes, where are we?"

Y/n: "In the cave where it's rumoured there's monsters"

Frisk: "Oh, I guess we should go"

There seems to be nothing in here or the next few rooms there are puzzles but we solve them eventually we find a house.

Y/n: "Frisk do you think humans or monsters live here"

Frisk: "I dunno let's knock on the door"


???: " this timeline seems boring maybe I can spice it up"

Back to where we were

*knock* *knock*

???: "Hello, oh it seems we have not met I'm toriel"

Frisk: "Hello there"

We walk into the house

Toriel: "Since you two probably have no home in the underground in shell let you stay here"

You hear the pun and it fills you with cringe

I walk around the house and see in the living room 5 children. two look like me but one has an eyepatch and the other is pretty much fine, except he seems to be touching his arm maybe he had an accident, and there are two children who look the same and kinda like frisk and they have no injuries, and the fifth looks like toriel but a goat child.

Btw to make it not confusing y/n1 is from the place between heaven and hell y/n2 is from the life y/n3 is from this one if you wanna you could associate with 1 or 2 but I would read the life for that they'll be more important in there also spoilers ahead

Y/n: "Oh hello there, wait a minute aren't you two in the news, one of you went missing, and didn't you die in a car accident."

Y/n1: "Yes, aren't we from different timelines"

Y/n3: "My dad told me, What happened to you"

Y/n1:"I was shot in the eye, by a god who is now dead"

Since we all look alike what are your names

Y/n2 and y/n1: "Y/n"

Y/n3: "Oh we should get a way to make it easier"

Y/n1: "Ok how about I'm y/n1"

Y/n2: "I'm y/n2"

Y/n3: "And that leaves me y/n4"

Y/n1: "No you'd be y/n3"

Y/n3: "Fine"

Y/n2: "Did you fall down alone"

Y/n3: "No I fell wit-

I was about to finish my sentence when frisk walked in.

Frisk: "Hello there"

Frisk: " wait why are there so many children here"

Asriel: "I dunno this Chara fell then this y/n fell the other y/n and Chara came here after they killed the god of limbo, and were resurrected I think the author kinda screwed up and I just live here

Y/n3: " wait if this house was made for 3 people and there's now 9 people how do you sleep?"

Chara 1 is limbo Chara Chara 2 is the life one

Chara1: "Well there's currently... 5 beds and a spare one"

Frisk: "Oh"

Y/n3: " so why was your eye shot by a god"

Y/n1: "Well you see the god was a bad man and we fought him and I shot his eye after he shot mine"

Y/n3: "Can I sleep"

Chara2: "Yee we're gonna play games"

Frisk: "Weren't the monsters sealed here a long time ago how are there games"

Y/n1: "I brought some from limbo"

Frisk: "Oh"

I go to the spare bed and frisk follows me

Y/n3: "Frisk why are you following me"

Frisk: "Because I'm tired and we spent a lot of time sparring monsters"

Y/n3: "There's one bed how are we going to do this"

Frisk: "I can sleep on the floor"

Y/n3: "No I will"

Frisk: "Whoa déjà vu"

Y/n3: "Wait this has happened before I hate that author let's both sleep on the floor"

Frisk: "Sure why not let's grab the blankets"

Y/n3: "Well I can't wait to sleep"

Then I passed out


Author: "Yo yo yo what's up my home dogs we got a flower to make this story interesting

Flowey:"Why did you bring me here"

Author: "Because the plot needs it, and those kids hurt my feelings"

Flowey: "Fine, mr mcbutthurt, but you better pay me in you know what never mind"

Author: "Well have fun"

End chapter

I'm now the villain cool also there are about guess there's 600 words possibly. Now it's 779 words

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